Wednesday, May 20, 2020
W.E.B. Du Bois on Woman Suffrage
This article originally appeared in the June 1912 issue of The Crisis, a journal considered one of the leading forces in the New Negro Movement and the Harlem Renaissance, addressing a failure on the part of the National American Woman Suffrage Association to support a resolution condemning the Southern disenfranchisement of African Americans, in law and in practice. Du Bois, a leading black intellectual of the day and key founder of the NAACP, and a supporter in general of womens suffrage, was editor of The Crisis. The next year, a suffrage march would be marked by a request by the white leadership for black women to march at the back, so we know that this essay did not immediately transform the suffrage movement to include fully the voices of people of color. Du Bois uses the term suffragette in the title, but in the article uses the more common term at the time, suffragist. The language is that of 1912, when this was written, and may be uncomfortable and different from expectations of today. Colored people and Negro were, as may be obvious by Du Bois use, the respectful words of the time for people of color and for Black people. Full article: Suffering Suffragettes by W. E. B. Du Bois, 1912 Summary: Du Bois points out that the suffrage movement is wincing a bit and produces a letter from Anna Shaw, defending the suffrage movements commitment to justice to women, white and colored, and says that no women were excluded from the recent convention in Louisville on account of race.Shaw repeats a rumor that at the Louisville convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, a resolution condemning disfranchisement of colored people in the South was not allowed to come to the floor, and says she did not feel it was snowed under but was simply not acted on.Du Bois points out that Martha Gruening had attempted to have a colored delegate introduce a resolution from the floor, and that Anna Shaw had refused to invite her to the convention.Resolved, that the women who are trying to lift themselves out of the class of the disfranchised, the class of the insane and criminal, express their sympathy with the black men and women who are fighting the same battle and recognize that i t is as unjust and as undemocratic to disfranchise human beings on the ground of color as on the ground of sex.Further, Du Bois reproduces a letter from Anna Shaw from before the convention about opposing the resolution being introduced, as it would do more to harm the success of our convention in Louisville than all the other things that we do would do good.In this Shaw letter, she also contends that the worst enemy of white womens vote is colored men who would go straight to the polls and defeat us every time.Du Bois says that we have repeatedly shown that contention about colored men defeating woman suffrage is false. -------- See also the related article, Two Suffrage Movements, by Martha Gruening, mentioned in the article above.  It was published a few months after this one.  And for a biography of one of Du Bois wives, see Shirley Graham Du Bois on this site.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Types Of Offenders, Professionals And Those Who Are Not...
There are 2 types of offenders, professionals and those who are not professionals. They steal as a way of life, or to get money to pay for drugs. Thefts not rare, professional theft sometimes has to do with greed, poverty or values and most of the time it has more to do with individuals with needs and personal conflicts. These people know how to distinguish what is good from what is bad, know that there are consequences and often have the money to pay, but still continue stealing. They also tend to steal things they don’t need and sometimes not even use. They usually have the money to pay for the item carried rarely plan their theft in advance and never even try to sell it to make a profit. There is also the emotion aroused doing something wrong without being discovered. The heart starts you latiraceleradamente, and the only thing you can think of is leaving the store. It s like saying,` and I grabbed what I wanted, now get out of aquà `. But it is something that really excites me, because I think , `it yatengo a lot of things in my bag and I can grab more` he said. Shoplifting can cheer a teenager who is depressed or angry about what is happening in your life.For a young man who is bored, stealing can be an exciting game. Or, friends can lobby their friends to steal together, arguing that the only way to be fashionable, or serà ¡naceptados, or demonstrate their loyalty. for others, it is a justified payment for all that you give to others and receive so little inShow MoreRelatedFederal Probation: Supplemental Statement1038 Words  | 4 PagesFederal Probation: Supplemental Statement For those who work in the federal probation system, there are many skills needed. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Phenomenological Study of Nurses Caring for Dying...
The Phenomenological study completed by King and Thomas (2013) compiled nurses’ experiences of caring for dying patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). This paper holds as a review of this qualitative phenomenological research. Several components of the paper will be discussed, including: research question, methodologies, analyzing data and integrity of the original data. The literature review looks at a variety of research that deals with patients’ death as well as how caring for a patient presents complex and sometimes difficult challenges for nurses. It is not until the end of this literature review that it very clearly states qualitative and phenomenological studies in the past have found that nurses caring for dying patients suffer along with their patients and can affect their personal and professional integrity. With this knowledge, the researchers sought to explore the phenomenological perceptions of nurses caring for dying patients in the ICU. The use of Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy of â€Å"the world of lived experiences,†allows the events, individual to each nurse, to be described by him or herself. This idea is based on human experience alone, not in terms of outlined theoretical principles. The nurse can describe the event as a transaction between person and world, in this case, nurse and patient. Methods to collect data spawned from the aforementioned idea of the nurse in relation to his or her experience taking care of a dying patient in the ICU.Show MoreRelatedEssay about Cheryl Postpartum Depression Theory2852 Words  | 12 PagesTeetering on the Edge. As Beck completed a literature review on postpartum depression (PPD), she came to realize that there was limited qualitative research available. Beck’s primary goal was to produce a study/research in which humanity (through what one experienced) was represented in its’ relation to PPD. Components of the Theory The use of Beck’s theory on PPD is a relevant tool for any provider, whether midwife, childbirth educator, or nurse, to enhance the care provided to pregnant andRead MoreCaring Theory Essay4386 Words  | 18 Pagesof Caring By: Shari Semelroth RN, BSN Mennonite College of Nursing Abstract Do we honestly make an effort to improve the environment, care, medical treatment, and interactions with those patients who are suffering a loss? Do we adequately provide the care that they need? These questions are answered in Swanson’s Middle Range Theory of Caring. We examine the five caring processes and their applications to one’s daily nursing routines. Many healthcare organizations have adopted the caring theoryRead MoreThe Right to Die3619 Words  | 15 PagesProblem The fear of death is powerful; however, the fear of not dying or of living a life full of pointless suffering is even more powerful. Because of this fear, there is a belief that one should be the master of their own fate. This belief then brings about the concept of euthanasia. Sanders and Chaloner define euthanasia as â€Å"a deliberate intervention or omission with the express intention of hastening or ending an individual’s life, to relieve intractable pain or suffering†(2007, p). Euthanasia
Essay about Brief Summary of the Movie Chocolat - 581 Words
Vianne wanders a lot with her daughter. She never lived in a place longer than 2 years. She has been in many different countries and speaks good French as well as English. This time they arrive in a very small town in France, between Toulouse and Bordeaux. They are not welcome in the village. The residents don’t like strangers. Especially the Priest. When Vianne opens a chocolaterie on Ash Wednesday, he is very mad and he decides to do anything in his power to get rid of her. He is very persuasive in the church and tells his people they have to look out for Vianne, for she is no good with her chocolate and ‘spells’. In spite of all this criticism Vianne does good business. She soon makes friends with Guillaume, Armande and Josephine.†¦show more content†¦Vianne likes him, but she thinks Josephine and Roux like each other. She’s wrong and later in the book they sleep with each other. Than Armande says she wants to have a big party for her birthday and she asks Vianne to help her with the preparations. She also tells Vianne that it’s going to be a farewell party; because she doesn’t want to live like this anymore (she’s old and has diabetes). Vianne takes care of all the food and it’s a wonderful party, the river people and the people from the villages get along with each other fine, which makes Armande very happy. The next morning she dies. The priest is angry with Vianne because she’s going to have a big chocolate festival on Easter Sunday. He tries to anticipate her. In the middle of the night he sneaks in to Vianne’s chocolaterie. He wants to destroy all the chocolate she made for the festival, but he can not find the supply. When he sees the shop-window he can not control himself anymore and begins to eat from the chocolates. The next morning he wakes up and Vianne and all the inhabitants are looking at him. He ate so much chocolate that he fell asleep in the shop. He is very ashamed by his actions and flees from the village. The chocolate festival is a big success and for the first time Vianne is probably going to stay in the village. She doesn’t want to wander anymore and Anouk wants to stay here
Methods of Segmenting
Question: Explain the four major methods of segmenting a market: geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioural segmentation. Marketers rarely limit their segmentation analysis to only one or a few variables. Using the Roy Morgan Values Segment as an example, describe the geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioural characteristics of this Value Segment. Answer: Methods of segmenting Based on the Roy Values Research Segment, market segmenting means when the needs of the consumers are met at all levels. There are different types of market segmenting based on the Roy Morgan Values Research: Geographical Segmentation Based on the Roy Morgan Research segmentation, geographical segmentation means when the consumers or business buyers are segmented based on the demographic or geographic location. Additionally, the consumers may be separated based on the user status, benefits and loyalty status. The company aims the target consumers based on their geographical location and as per the Roy Morgan Research and this is considered as one of the most important principles of marketing (Abell, 2010). Demographic segmentation Keeping in mind the Roy Morgan Values Segment demographic segmentation depends on the generation, sex, occupation and health safety level or the benefits that a company provides. The Roy Morgan Values Settlement ensures that the benefits are perceived in an accepted level and they keep in mind the stage of the consumers life cycle (Dozier et al., 2013). Psychographic segmentation This is sometimes called lifestyle of the consumers. The Roy Morgan Values Research keeps in mind the lifestyle of their consumers and ensures that the principles of marketing are met in such a way that they are able to meet the needs of their consumers depending on the kind of lives they spent. The Roy Morgan Values Research segment identifies the personal activity of the targeted consumers (Abell, 2010). Behavioralsegmentation According to the Roy Morgan Values Research behavioral segmentation means when the consumers are divided into groups based on their response, knowledge and attitude. This segmentation depends on the behavioral patterns of the consumers. Moreover, how they wish the product sellers to meet with the requirements depending on the consumers behavior. The Roy Morgan Values Research focuses on the behavioral segmentation of marketing (Pedroso et al., 2010). Reference List Abell, D. F. (2010).Managing with dual strategies. Simon and Schuster. Dozier, D. M., Grunig, L. A., Grunig, J. E. (2013).Manager's guide to excellence in public relations and communication management. Routledge. Pedroso, M., Taylor, J., Tisseyre, B., Charnomordic, B., Guillaume, S. (2010). A segmentation algorithm for the delineation of agricultural management zones.Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,70(1), 199-208.
Economics of Agglomeration Cities and Industrial
Question: Discuss about the Economics of Agglomeration for Cities and Industrial. Answer: Introduction: The demand and supply of an economy are considered as the backbone of the market. It is the basic yet important concept of economics. According to Tietenberg and Lewis (2016), demand is the total amount of goods and services that the consumers are willing to buy at a certain price level. The supply, on the other hand, is the total amount of goods and services the sellers are willing to sell at a particular price level. For a market or economy to be stable, it is important that there is equilibrium in the market economy. In the equilibrium condition, the amount of demand for goods and services meets the amount of supply of goods and services. The equilibrium position helps the market to determine the price of the product and quantity of the product offered to the market. The essay focuses on demand and supply of goods and the factors that affect the demand and supply sides of the market. From the article of demand and supply Petroff (2013) the law of demand, the rise in the price level of goods will decrease the demand for the goods and vice versa. The law of supply states the total amount of quantity that is supplied to the market at a given price level. The law of demand further is determined by the diminishing marginal utility, substitution effect, income effect and the indifference curve. The supermarkets in Australia experiences challenge in meeting the market demand for bakery products. The demand curve for bakery goods indicates the total number of bakery goods that the individuals in Australia are willing to consume at a particular price level. The curve is downward slopping as the demand level decreases with the increase in price. The supply curve, on the other hand, refers to a number of bakery goods that the sellers are willing to sell at a particular price level. The supply curve is upward slopping as with the rise in the price level, the propensity of sellers to sell the goods increases, which leads to higher supply (refer to appendix figure 1). The bakers are facing increased problems due to the fall in the price level for the product. As there is a decrease in the price level, the bakery processors in Australia intends to bring down the price level, they were willing to pay to the suppliers of raw materials. In order to deal with the situation, there was campaign held in the economy so that the consumers could be encouraged to purchase more bakery products such as bread, baked fruits, and other products. Such activities would help to support the bakers of Australia. The economic growth rate of Australia and the domestic policies further faced notable changes. These changes affected the demand for bakery products in the economy. Soderbery (2015) further mentioned that the demand for foods is highly influenced by the food safety and other concerns of the consumers regarding chemicals; adulteration used while producing. As the concern for food safety on behalf of the consumers has been increasing, it is important for the government of Australia to pay attention towards the importing of agricultural products and the manufacturing process. It is important to improve the productivity and the competitiveness in the international market, the producers of bakery goods in Australia needs to reach the export target set by the government. There will be an increased pressure in the food system and demand for bakery products because of the rise in per capita consumption. Moreover, there will be an impact in the prototypes of food consumption and demand as a result of the aging population. Thus, there will be an increase in the demand for imported food products in Australia. In addition to the price level, the taste, and preference of the consumers, the behaviour and income pattern also affect the demand for goods and services. In the case of demand for food products, the taste and preference are one of the important factors that affect the demand to a great extent. In addition, the opinion of Fujita and Thisse (2013) states that the demand for food products increases when it tastes better than other food products. The demand curve for such product lies at a higher level. The change in the fashion results in the change in demand for goods and services. The income level of individuals also plays a vital role in affecting the demand. When the income level raises the demand for goods and services also rises. If the price is lower than usual, income is unconventional which allows the customer to buy more. An unexpected price increase would cause the consumer to buy less. Greater income level infers that the purchasing powers of individuals are high. Thus, co nsumers are capable of affording more products due to which the demand level increases. In the case of normal good, there will be an increase in the demand if the income of individuals increases. On the contradictory, an increase in the income level will lead to a fall in demand for goods, if it is an inferior good (Rios, McConnell and Brue 2013). To calculate the market demand for a given good, the demand for the individuals at various price levels is added together. The supply of goods and services is affected by a number of factors such as the policies of the government, technology, and the transport condition. One of the main factors for determining the supply of goods is technology. When an economy has better technology and options, there is an increase in the production level of goods. This further leads to increase in the supply of goods and services. On the other hand, if the government of the economy incurs tax on the goods, the supply level falls down. The cost of production increases as the increase in tax level is increased (Wood 2014). The transport further acts as a factor while determining the supply of goods. If the raw materials are not available at the specified place and time due to lack of proper transport system, the production level falls along with the fall in the supply level (refer to appendix 2). From the above essay, it can be inferred that the population of Australia favours suitable, safe and processed foods that increase the demand for such type of foods. In the current economy of Australia, there is a trade surplus in food and beverage sector. Moreover, the demand and supply of goods are highly dependent on a number of factors such as taste, preference, behaviour, income, technology, policies of government and others. References Fujita, M. and Thisse, J.F., 2013.Economics of agglomeration: cities, industrial location, and globalization. Cambridge university press. Petroff, J., 2013. Demand and Supply. [Accessed from] Rios, M.C., McConnell, C.R. and Brue, S.L., 2013.Economics: Principles, problems, and policies. McGraw-Hill. Soderbery, A., 2015. Estimating import supply and demand elasticities: Analysis and implications.Journal of International Economics,96(1), pp.1-17. Tietenberg, T.H. and Lewis, L., 2016.Environmental and natural resource economics. Routledge. Wood, J., 2014. Supply and demand.Construction Journal, p.7.
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