Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Entrepreneurship and Small Business management †Free Samples
Question: Talk about the Entrepreneurship and Small Business the board. Answer: The exposition depends on one contextual investigation in which a woman, whose name is Kelly Lester is a business visionary and she has three little girls. Beforehand in 1996, she was working together of beautiful switch plates and she likewise constructed site for the business and around then there was not hard rivalry in online business and the site was showing up on the primary page of web crawlers. She was procuring acceptable income that time from the business. Later she sold that business and began another business of lunch boxes. She attempted to contact plastic produces in US yet they didn't show enthusiasm for the business so later she reached plastic fabricates in China. She additionally confronted a few challenges in managing outside providers. The administration was confronting flexibly chain related issues. Later the administration of the organization concentrated on quality improvement and utilized a few techniques to settle quality related issues. The administration wa s saving huge stock for the business in the stockrooms situated in US. To take care of numerous issues Kelly Lester constructed a site for advancing the business however as the patterns have changed that time so her site was not showing up in the top pages of web crawlers. In the article three issues are examined and the arrangements of the issues are likewise given In this section answer is given for the primary inquiry identified with the contextual investigation. Indeed, I accept that Kellys business is a possibility for reshoring back to United States. Beforehand Kelly attempted to get in touch with US fabricates yet that time conditions were not strong so she didn't get any reaction and afterward she imported info materials from China. The primary explanation already organizations were working from China since organizations were getting cost advantage however now numerous organizations have moved their consideration toward United States as in US conditions are getting strong for businesses. Such a significant number of assembling organizations began the activities in US as in United States organizations can get points of interest of lower work cost, strong arrangements and lower transportation costs. So Kelly Lester would now be able to work business from United States. As per the reports of U.S Bureau of monetary investigation, the economy of United States is expanding quickly. Presently in United States organizations can make more benefit as the organizations can undoubtedly get required assets for the tasks (Gray et al., 2013). So the market of United States can give more advantages to Kellys business. It has been investigated that outside direct venture and reshoring in United States assisted with delivering many assembling occupations. Presently in United States Kelly can undoubtedly get providers for creation exercises. In this passage the appropriate response of second inquiry is accessible. Thesocial media showcasing plan is given here for EasyLunchBoxes. This arrangement incorporates a few significant advances that are recorded in underneath referenced focuses. Online life showcasing plan The arrangement incorporates a few stages which are depicted underneath. Internet based life promoting objectives and destinations: The social advertising goal ought to be the organization should focus to include 50 new clients for every month. The organization should post photographs and recordings day by day on person to person communication destinations and the organization ought to get in excess of 5000 preferences and most extreme offers on each post. Internet based life review: The Company EasyLunchBoxes ought to do month to month web based life review. The review of online life locales should be possible through Facebook insights, twitter measurements, pinterest insights, Instagram measurements and other significant systems measurements (Neti, 2011). Investigation device like Google adword can be utilized to know the fair qualities of clients. Review instruments give significant subtleties like post reach, best post, crowds response, and so on (Berthon et al., 2012). Make and improve web based life accounts: To build the online nearness Easy Lunch Boxes ought to make progressively web based life accounts. It has been broke down that quantities of online networking clients are expanding quickly (Hanna, Rohm Crittenden, 2011). The organization should refresh routinely existing online life accounts and ought to make new records on various person to person communication locales. The organization ought to normally do new posts via web-based networking media records to keep up availability with crowds. Some well known person to person communication destinations are Facebook, linkedin, Google +, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram and the organization ought to make account on these locales. Contender examination: EasyLunchBoxes Company ought to break down the exercises of contenders routinely in light of the fact that it is fundamental to know contenders data. Organization should offer concentration to comprehend content promoting, Facebook, Instagram, online networking publicizing systems of others. Content showcasing plan: Content promoting is extremely basic for any business. It is a significant piece of social showcasing plan. The showcasing people of Easy Lunch Boxes should give center around content promoting. The substance ought to be precise, inventive and appealing so perusers will get a kick out of the chance to peruse the substance (Saravanakumar SuganthaLakshmi, 2012). The substance ought to be posted normally on blog locales, article accommodation destinations, PR accommodation locales and different destinations with the goal that greatest quantities of perusers can peruse the substance. Assess and modify online networking advertising plan: Easy Lunch Boxes Company ought to assess the arrangement and make all the vital changes in accordance with meet the prerequisites. New web based life strategies and procedures are coming quickly in the market so the organization ought to modify the online networking showcasing plan in like manner. Organization should give more endeavors on content checking as now days the organizations which are giving spotlight on content stamping are getting progressively upper hand. The substance promoting isn't exceptionally straightforward on the grounds that lone a compelling substance can offer favorable circumstances to the organization. Different organizations can without much of a stretch duplicate different strategies like video checking and photograph sharing yet content stamping strategy can't be replicated without any problem. Through substance showcasing the organization can convey more data to clients (Mangold Faulds, 2009). The organization should post consistently appealing substance on long range informal communication destinations. EasyLunchBoxes can utilize some other internet based life destinations, for example, Facebook and Instagram for advancement. On Facebook the organization should post imaginative pictures on everyday schedule. For limited time exercises separate Facebook page ought to be made. The organization should post articles, photographs and recordings consistently. Hash tag can be utilized in Facebook to get the consideration of guests. Same exercises should be possible on Instagram excessively, for example, photographs and recordings can be shared and Hash tag can likewise be utilized. In this section the appropriate response of third inquiry is accessible. To change EasyLunchBoxes Company into an unmistakable brand name the organization needs to give center around certain focuses like the organization ought to make a trademark that ought to incorporate appealing expressions with the goal that individuals can without much of a stretch recall the brand name. The companys logo ought to be innovative and appealing. Logos are the ground-breaking images of the organization. The companys logo ought to be diverse that can assist with making remarkable brands character (Abimbola Vallaster, 2007). To make one of a kind logo, powerful hues and text styles ought to be utilized. A few jingles ought to be utilized to make the brand name vital. The organization should put forth attempts on commercials as through promotions, organization can without much of a stretch impact clients. Clients like to buy from the organizations, whose promotions they see consistently. Through the co mmercials organization can create positive brand picture in the clients mind (Keller, 2009). The commercials subject ought to be novel with the goal that clients can without much of a stretch get pulled in to it. The promoting message ought to be structured in the wake of thinking about necessities and desires for clients. In the ads the organization should give center around benefits. Companys site ought to be planned particularly in light of the fact that a decent site assists with making great brand picture in the market. Organization ought to consistently refresh data identified with its exercises on various internet based life organizing locales. By utilizing these techniques she can change EasyLunchBoxes into an unmistakable brand name. References Abimbola, T. Vallaster, C., 2007. Brand, hierarchical personality and notoriety in SMEs: an outline, Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 10(4), pp.341-348. Berthon, P.R., Pitt, L.F., Plangger, K. Shapiro, D., 2012. Showcasing meets Web 2.0, web based life, and innovative customers: Implications for universal advertising procedure, Business Horizons, 55(3), pp.261-271. Dark, J.V., Skowronski, K., Esenduran, G. Johnny Rungtusanatham, M., 2013. The reshoring wonder: what gracefully tie scholastics should know and ought to do., Journal of Supply Chain Management, 49(2), pp.27-33. Hanna, R., Rohm, A. what's more, Crittenden, V.L., 2011. Were completely associated: The intensity of the online life biological system, Business Horizons, 54(3), pp.265-273. Keller, K.L., 2009. Building solid brands in a cutting edge showcasing interchanges condition, Journal Of Marketing Communications, 15(2-3), pp.139-155. Mangold, W.G. Faulds, D.J., 2009. Web based life: The new cross breed component of the advancement blend, Business Horizons, 52(4), pp.357-365. Neti, S., 2011. Web based life and its job in showcasing, International Journal of Enterprise Computing and Business Systems, 1(2), pp.1-15. Saravanakumar, M. SuganthaLakshmi, T., 2012. Online life promoting, Life Science Journal, 9(4), pp.4444-4451.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Karyo- or Caryo- Biology Prefixes and Suffixes
Karyo-or Caryo-Biology Prefixes and Suffixes The prefix (karyo-or caryo-) implies nut or part and furthermore alludes to the core of a cell. Models Caryopsis (cary-opsis): product of grasses and grains that comprises of a solitary celled, seed-like organic product. Karyocyte (karyo-cyte): a cell that contains a core. Karyochrome (karyo-chrome): a kind of nerve cell where the core recolors effectively with colors. Karyogamy (karyo-unpleasant): joining of cell cores, as in treatment. Karyokinesis (karyo-kinesis): division of the core that happens during the phone cycle periods of mitosis and meiosis. Karyology (karyo-logy): the investigation of the structure and capacity of the cell core. Karyolymph (karyo-lymph): the fluid segment of the core wherein the chromatin and other atomic parts are suspended. Karyolysis (karyo-lysis): the disintegration of the core that happens during cell passing. Karyomegaly (karyo-uber ly): anomalous extension of the cell core. Karyomere (karyo-minor): a vesicle containing a little bit of the core, normally following unusual cell division. Karyomitome (karyo-mitome): chromatin arrange inside the cell core. (Karyon): the cell core. Karyophage (karyo-phage): a parasite that inundates and annihilates the core of a cell. Karyoplasm (karyo-plasm): the cellular material of the core of a cell; otherwise called nucleoplasm. Karyopyknosis (karyo-pyk-nosis): shrinkage of the phone core that is joined by the buildup of chromatin during apoptosis. Karyorrhexis (karyo-rrhexis): phase of cell passing in which the core bursts and scatters its chromatin all through the cytoplasm. Karyosome (karyo-a few): thick mass of chromatin in the core of a non-partitioning cell. Karyostasis (karyo-balance): phase of the cell cycle, otherwise called interphase, where the phone experiences a time of development in anticipation of cell division. This stage happens between two progressive divisions of the cell core. Karyotheca (karyo-theca): twofold layer that encases the substance of the core, otherwise called the atomic envelope. Its external part is ceaseless with the endoplasmic reticulum. Karyotype (karyo-type): a composed visual portrayal of the chromosomes in the cell core masterminded by qualities, for example, number, size, and shape.
Meat Is Useless Essays - Meat, Diets, Vegetarianism, Dog Meat
Meat Is Useless Meat is Useless Eating meat is a piece of the day by day life of billions of individuals everywhere throughout the world. Consistently a large number of creatures are murdered for the creation of meat nourishment for individuals. Be that as it may, considers have indicated that meat isn't basic for our reality and gives us simply different nourishments available. Meat utilization may not hurt you or the general condition promptly yet there are results and at some point or another they will show up. A meatless eating routine is more beneficial than an eating regimen containing meat. As per reviews and assessments of the substance of the food items, meat contains more fat than non-meat nourishments. Since it is exceptionally hard for our bodies to process high amounts of fat and it is being aggregated in our bodies, fat expending causes numerous medical issues. As per the American Heart Association, the fat in the food we eat ought to be close to 30 percent of the all out calories we devour day by day. In any case, this is extremely hard to accomplish when meat is a piece of our every day supper plan. The best way to remain solid and keep eating meat is to set a boundary for the measure of meat we expend. Sadly, these days the vast majority are regularly enticed by the taste and presence of the meat items available and it is extremely hard for them to stand up to. That is the reason the arrangement of a fair eating regimen can not be for all intents and purposes utilized. In addi tion, it has been as of late demonstrated that numerous maladies are normally forestalled, reliably improved, and regularly restored by a low-fat veggie lover diet. Among them are maladies, for example, kidney stones, prostate malignant growth, bosom disease, stomach malignancy, pancreatic disease, ovarian malignancy, colon malignant growth, joint pain, osteoporosis, strokes, diabetes, peptic ulcers, heftiness, hemmorhoids, salmonellosis, and numerous others (American Heart Association). Cholesterol can be found in each meat item. This is another specific explanation demonstrating that meat is terrible. Cholesterol hinders the courses and makes it exceptionally hard for the circulatory system to circle. Such a procedure may bring about a coronary failure. An eating routine wealthy in vegetables, organic products, and oat brings down the degree of cholesterol, in this manner bringing down the danger of getting a coronary episode also. Obviously, meat isn't the main factor that may cause a coronary failure yet for what reason don't we attempt to diminish the odds of getting a coronary illness by simply disposing of meat? Eating meat is likewise liable for the mass demolition of nature. For developing creatures individuals squander overpowering measures of characteristic assets which might be utilized for different necessities. They might be used for developing corn or wheat for taking care of individuals, as opposed to for taking care of livestock. The measure of grain a dairy animals eats in a day could take care of 15 starving individuals (Spence 1). On the off chance that this food was utilized for people and not for domesticated animals, the world's gigantic yearning issues would be at any rate mostly unraveled. The rival side of this thought expresses that regardless of whether these fields can be utilized for developing nourishment for individuals, the greater part of them are under private possession and the proprietors would not give their creation to take care of the individuals who are starving. In any case, meat is substantially more costly than grains and corns are. What's more, if a grea ter amount of them are delivered they will turn out to be considerably less expensive than they are presently. Different harms, consequence of developing creatures, exist. At the point when enormous amounts of water and food are utilized for developing domesticated animals, the common natural surroundings of different creatures, plants, and creepy crawlies is changed and some of them become terminated. Besides, the cutting of woods for the expansion of the referenced fields causes the diminishing of oxygen and the expanding of carbon dioxide. Such procedures quicken the a worldwide temperature alteration and are risky for our future endurance. Eating meat is straightforwardly associated with the way toward executing creatures. Closure the life of other living animals deliberately and just to satisfy our taste inclinations is self important and has nothing to do with the mankind individuals should shield. A large portion of these creatures are become distinctly to pick up however much weigh as could reasonably be expected. In this way, they become fat and invested a bigger number of amounts of energy to move than the creatures that are definitely not
Saturday, July 11, 2020
English Regents August 2020 Essay Samples
English Regents August 2020 Essay SamplesBecause this June marks the start of English Regents University studies for its new four-year Bachelor of Arts degree program, it is an ideal time to start working on your essays. All of your work should be submitted before this date so that you have plenty of time to make corrections and make sure that your English Regents August 2020 essay samples are correct.Since you will have to write the same high quality essays for the English Regents programs, you will need to find essay samples that are written by professionals who have already been through the program. Make sure that they are prepared to answer questions, including preparation of a sample paper and practice exams. Also, look for samples where the writers were already through the program, rather than writing for a different program that does not yet exist.When looking for essay samples, you can also use the internet to search for topics. These days, there are many forums that focus on English programs that are still in their development stages. For example, a discussion forum on the subject of academic advising at this time may have information on what is expected of the student and what kinds of information should be included in the paper. In addition, when searching the web, look for information on what kinds of people are teaching these programs.Asking your professor for advice is another way to prepare for your English Regents program. Look for areas that he or she has commented on that would help you with your English Regents writing. Also, don't forget to ask your classmates who have just graduated or are nearing the end of their program if they could provide you with references.You can also get some pointers on what types of topics would be required for your English Regents course from your local college or university. Check the student center for programs that are offered during this time. Try to find out if there are EnglishRegents programs that are cur rently being taught and what kinds of topics they are requiring students to write about.You can also find out what types of student papers are required by different programs by visiting college or university offices. In addition, you can visit several colleges or universities and ask for the requirements for their English Regents programs.If you are just starting your English course, don't worry about paying attention to the specifications. When the requirements change, don't panic because you can follow along the requirements as they change. In fact, if you are studying English Writing, you will want to pay special attention to your papers as they change.When you are studying to be an English teacher, your English Regents program is similar to any other academic writing course that you have taken. Your writing samples are the only thing that will distinguish you from other writers.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Critical Analysis of Of Mice and Men - Free Essay Example
Scarseth is correct in saying that Steinbeckrs Of Mice and Men is a tragedy, yet not in the classic Aristotelian or Shakespearean sense. The majority of the characters in the novel are in stasis. The world is limited around them and results in limited possibilities, ands the lack of love and friendship both contribute to them being stuck. J.A. Cuddon defines tragedy in saying, the overwhelming part about tragedy is the element of hopelessness, of inevitabilityTragedy is a disaster that happens to other people, and the greater the person, so it seems, the more acute is their tragedy (Cuddon). Yet this acute tragedy is found when the lowliest of lowly exploited people fail to become anything more. The characters are inevitably lead to disappointment, because of their social status, inabilities due to the worldrs limitations, and even the time period which plays a part in their struggles. A release from this cycle is hopeless. The struggle of limitation and constraint is a clear message that Steinbeck portrays through many of the characters. Scarseth is quick to notice and comment on this theme, though he only discusses the explicitly mentioned limited characters. Curley, as Scarseth mentions, is very limited. Curley doesnt know how to hold on to what he finds important: his young wife, his status as the Bossrs son, his reputation as a man [his] aim to be a respected husband/boss/man is foiled by his own limited abilities (Scarseth). Curley is stuck in his place. He, on paper, has the most power on the ranch compared to most of the other men. He is the boss son, rich, is able to boast about his wife, a sex object, a status symbolthe sexuality of the relationship (Scarseth), but he is lost. His aggressiveness and unforgiving attitude on life puts him into the same cycle of anger. Curleyrs wife, one of the most marginalized characters, evident by the name she is called and her gender, is also brought up by Scarseth. She is a lost little girl in a world of men whose knowledge of women is largely limited (Scarseth). She is called names, teased, and has no power, and is limited due to Curley. Scarseth also writes about George, Lennie, and their limitations, saying [the] aim of Lennie and George to have a small placeis doomed to frustration also by their own limitations (Scarseth). Lennie, being his poor dumb big (Scarseth) self cannot have his dream with George come true. The world limits this. However, Scarseth doesnt bring up the fact other characters can be limited, such as Slim. Slim is described as having God-Like eyes, (Steinbeck 40), he is the prince of the ranch [moving] with a majesty only achieved by royalty and a master craftsman, (Steinbeck 33) and that his opinions were law. (Steinbeck 45) Everyone respects Slim and considers him the highest in ranking. But why isnt he the boss? Slim seems like he has so much power on the farm, but hers just a farm worker. He doesnt have power in the outside world, and all he is able to achieve is making Curley tell everyone his hand was hurt in th e machine. He isnt anything outside of the labor and respect on the farm, and is exploited along with the other workers. Holding positions of power dont always equate to being unlimited. The tragedy in the novel is due to the characters inability to improve, gain, to come close in achieving their dreams, goals, or succeed because of their limitations. Friendship, love, and themes of dreams (Scarseth) are all mentioned in Scarsethrs analysis. He argues that they are what Of Mice and Men is all about. But there are few friendships or expression of love in the novel, so this cannot be true. George and Lennie have the only friendly relationship in the novel, but they do not love each other. The codependency of it is beneficial to Lennie alone. George helps keep him alive. There is no emotion or loving support, no attachment is present. This is emphasized when George explodes and says if I was alone I could live so easyyou keep me in hot water all the time (Steinbeck 11) and calls him names. Scarseth also mentions that George and Lennie as friends share a good dream (Scarseth). However, this dream isnt good, nor attainable. If their relationship isnt a two-sided one, this dream could never come true or be attainable in their limited world, and George comes to learn this. The men in the bunkhouse with George and Lennie share no intimacy either; their relationships consist of working, sleeping, and getting by day by day. The only example of a bond is when the men go to the whorehouse and play cards, but there still is no friendship present. Another example of the absence of love is with Curley and his wife. They have no care for each other or share a bond aside from the rings on their fingers.Curley uses his wife, labeled as his, for sexual pleasure and boasting. In turn, she is lonely. She [would] like to talk to somebody ever once in a while (Steinbeck 77), and Curley is just so caught up in himself and his own limitations that she was nobody. With no one to turn to and confide in, the characters are limited in themselves because of this lack of love, and limits what they can do. The fact that the book is a tragedy, yet not in the classic sense, is a direct result of the limitations of the characters and the lack of friendship and love in their relationships. Time and time again the characters fall into their fate, despair and the inability to overcome their limitations. But both Scarseth and Steinbeck are trying to prove the same point: tragedy can befall any man or any woman, and Of Mice and Men is a tragedy. Disappointment, suffering, and incapability is a reality for all of humanity. Sometimes the most tragic is to see the ones who are not as great become frozen in that struggle. And this will always happen. Steinbeck shows this through many different issues with society; racism, sexism, mistreatment of the mentally disabled, and even just with farm workers and their exploitation. Anyone, even the lowest of low can experience tragedy, and in Of Mice and Men, it is due to their limitations and the worldrs limitations and the absence of love and friendship. Steinbeck himself provides the thought that represents the tragedy of the novel best: Nobody never gets to heaven, and nobody gets no land. Itrs just in their head. Theyre all the time talkin about it, but itrs jus in their head (Steinbeck 74) Works Cited Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Penguin Books, 1994. Print. Scarseth, Thomas.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
W.E.B. Du Bois on Woman Suffrage
This article originally appeared in the June 1912 issue of The Crisis, a journal considered one of the leading forces in the New Negro Movement and the Harlem Renaissance, addressing a failure on the part of the National American Woman Suffrage Association to support a resolution condemning the Southern disenfranchisement of African Americans, in law and in practice. Du Bois, a leading black intellectual of the day and key founder of the NAACP, and a supporter in general of womens suffrage, was editor of The Crisis. The next year, a suffrage march would be marked by a request by the white leadership for black women to march at the back, so we know that this essay did not immediately transform the suffrage movement to include fully the voices of people of color. Du Bois uses the term suffragette in the title, but in the article uses the more common term at the time, suffragist. The language is that of 1912, when this was written, and may be uncomfortable and different from expectations of today. Colored people and Negro were, as may be obvious by Du Bois use, the respectful words of the time for people of color and for Black people. Full article: Suffering Suffragettes by W. E. B. Du Bois, 1912 Summary: Du Bois points out that the suffrage movement is wincing a bit and produces a letter from Anna Shaw, defending the suffrage movements commitment to justice to women, white and colored, and says that no women were excluded from the recent convention in Louisville on account of race.Shaw repeats a rumor that at the Louisville convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, a resolution condemning disfranchisement of colored people in the South was not allowed to come to the floor, and says she did not feel it was snowed under but was simply not acted on.Du Bois points out that Martha Gruening had attempted to have a colored delegate introduce a resolution from the floor, and that Anna Shaw had refused to invite her to the convention.Resolved, that the women who are trying to lift themselves out of the class of the disfranchised, the class of the insane and criminal, express their sympathy with the black men and women who are fighting the same battle and recognize that i t is as unjust and as undemocratic to disfranchise human beings on the ground of color as on the ground of sex.Further, Du Bois reproduces a letter from Anna Shaw from before the convention about opposing the resolution being introduced, as it would do more to harm the success of our convention in Louisville than all the other things that we do would do good.In this Shaw letter, she also contends that the worst enemy of white womens vote is colored men who would go straight to the polls and defeat us every time.Du Bois says that we have repeatedly shown that contention about colored men defeating woman suffrage is false. -------- See also the related article, Two Suffrage Movements, by Martha Gruening, mentioned in the article above.  It was published a few months after this one.  And for a biography of one of Du Bois wives, see Shirley Graham Du Bois on this site.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Types Of Offenders, Professionals And Those Who Are Not...
There are 2 types of offenders, professionals and those who are not professionals. They steal as a way of life, or to get money to pay for drugs. Thefts not rare, professional theft sometimes has to do with greed, poverty or values and most of the time it has more to do with individuals with needs and personal conflicts. These people know how to distinguish what is good from what is bad, know that there are consequences and often have the money to pay, but still continue stealing. They also tend to steal things they don’t need and sometimes not even use. They usually have the money to pay for the item carried rarely plan their theft in advance and never even try to sell it to make a profit. There is also the emotion aroused doing something wrong without being discovered. The heart starts you latiraceleradamente, and the only thing you can think of is leaving the store. It s like saying,` and I grabbed what I wanted, now get out of aquà `. But it is something that really excites me, because I think , `it yatengo a lot of things in my bag and I can grab more` he said. Shoplifting can cheer a teenager who is depressed or angry about what is happening in your life.For a young man who is bored, stealing can be an exciting game. Or, friends can lobby their friends to steal together, arguing that the only way to be fashionable, or serà ¡naceptados, or demonstrate their loyalty. for others, it is a justified payment for all that you give to others and receive so little inShow MoreRelatedFederal Probation: Supplemental Statement1038 Words  | 4 PagesFederal Probation: Supplemental Statement For those who work in the federal probation system, there are many skills needed. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Phenomenological Study of Nurses Caring for Dying...
The Phenomenological study completed by King and Thomas (2013) compiled nurses’ experiences of caring for dying patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). This paper holds as a review of this qualitative phenomenological research. Several components of the paper will be discussed, including: research question, methodologies, analyzing data and integrity of the original data. The literature review looks at a variety of research that deals with patients’ death as well as how caring for a patient presents complex and sometimes difficult challenges for nurses. It is not until the end of this literature review that it very clearly states qualitative and phenomenological studies in the past have found that nurses caring for dying patients suffer along with their patients and can affect their personal and professional integrity. With this knowledge, the researchers sought to explore the phenomenological perceptions of nurses caring for dying patients in the ICU. The use of Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy of â€Å"the world of lived experiences,†allows the events, individual to each nurse, to be described by him or herself. This idea is based on human experience alone, not in terms of outlined theoretical principles. The nurse can describe the event as a transaction between person and world, in this case, nurse and patient. Methods to collect data spawned from the aforementioned idea of the nurse in relation to his or her experience taking care of a dying patient in the ICU.Show MoreRelatedEssay about Cheryl Postpartum Depression Theory2852 Words  | 12 PagesTeetering on the Edge. As Beck completed a literature review on postpartum depression (PPD), she came to realize that there was limited qualitative research available. Beck’s primary goal was to produce a study/research in which humanity (through what one experienced) was represented in its’ relation to PPD. Components of the Theory The use of Beck’s theory on PPD is a relevant tool for any provider, whether midwife, childbirth educator, or nurse, to enhance the care provided to pregnant andRead MoreCaring Theory Essay4386 Words  | 18 Pagesof Caring By: Shari Semelroth RN, BSN Mennonite College of Nursing Abstract Do we honestly make an effort to improve the environment, care, medical treatment, and interactions with those patients who are suffering a loss? Do we adequately provide the care that they need? These questions are answered in Swanson’s Middle Range Theory of Caring. We examine the five caring processes and their applications to one’s daily nursing routines. Many healthcare organizations have adopted the caring theoryRead MoreThe Right to Die3619 Words  | 15 PagesProblem The fear of death is powerful; however, the fear of not dying or of living a life full of pointless suffering is even more powerful. Because of this fear, there is a belief that one should be the master of their own fate. This belief then brings about the concept of euthanasia. Sanders and Chaloner define euthanasia as â€Å"a deliberate intervention or omission with the express intention of hastening or ending an individual’s life, to relieve intractable pain or suffering†(2007, p). Euthanasia
Essay about Brief Summary of the Movie Chocolat - 581 Words
Vianne wanders a lot with her daughter. She never lived in a place longer than 2 years. She has been in many different countries and speaks good French as well as English. This time they arrive in a very small town in France, between Toulouse and Bordeaux. They are not welcome in the village. The residents don’t like strangers. Especially the Priest. When Vianne opens a chocolaterie on Ash Wednesday, he is very mad and he decides to do anything in his power to get rid of her. He is very persuasive in the church and tells his people they have to look out for Vianne, for she is no good with her chocolate and ‘spells’. In spite of all this criticism Vianne does good business. She soon makes friends with Guillaume, Armande and Josephine.†¦show more content†¦Vianne likes him, but she thinks Josephine and Roux like each other. She’s wrong and later in the book they sleep with each other. Than Armande says she wants to have a big party for her birthday and she asks Vianne to help her with the preparations. She also tells Vianne that it’s going to be a farewell party; because she doesn’t want to live like this anymore (she’s old and has diabetes). Vianne takes care of all the food and it’s a wonderful party, the river people and the people from the villages get along with each other fine, which makes Armande very happy. The next morning she dies. The priest is angry with Vianne because she’s going to have a big chocolate festival on Easter Sunday. He tries to anticipate her. In the middle of the night he sneaks in to Vianne’s chocolaterie. He wants to destroy all the chocolate she made for the festival, but he can not find the supply. When he sees the shop-window he can not control himself anymore and begins to eat from the chocolates. The next morning he wakes up and Vianne and all the inhabitants are looking at him. He ate so much chocolate that he fell asleep in the shop. He is very ashamed by his actions and flees from the village. The chocolate festival is a big success and for the first time Vianne is probably going to stay in the village. She doesn’t want to wander anymore and Anouk wants to stay here
Methods of Segmenting
Question: Explain the four major methods of segmenting a market: geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioural segmentation. Marketers rarely limit their segmentation analysis to only one or a few variables. Using the Roy Morgan Values Segment as an example, describe the geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioural characteristics of this Value Segment. Answer: Methods of segmenting Based on the Roy Values Research Segment, market segmenting means when the needs of the consumers are met at all levels. There are different types of market segmenting based on the Roy Morgan Values Research: Geographical Segmentation Based on the Roy Morgan Research segmentation, geographical segmentation means when the consumers or business buyers are segmented based on the demographic or geographic location. Additionally, the consumers may be separated based on the user status, benefits and loyalty status. The company aims the target consumers based on their geographical location and as per the Roy Morgan Research and this is considered as one of the most important principles of marketing (Abell, 2010). Demographic segmentation Keeping in mind the Roy Morgan Values Segment demographic segmentation depends on the generation, sex, occupation and health safety level or the benefits that a company provides. The Roy Morgan Values Settlement ensures that the benefits are perceived in an accepted level and they keep in mind the stage of the consumers life cycle (Dozier et al., 2013). Psychographic segmentation This is sometimes called lifestyle of the consumers. The Roy Morgan Values Research keeps in mind the lifestyle of their consumers and ensures that the principles of marketing are met in such a way that they are able to meet the needs of their consumers depending on the kind of lives they spent. The Roy Morgan Values Research segment identifies the personal activity of the targeted consumers (Abell, 2010). Behavioralsegmentation According to the Roy Morgan Values Research behavioral segmentation means when the consumers are divided into groups based on their response, knowledge and attitude. This segmentation depends on the behavioral patterns of the consumers. Moreover, how they wish the product sellers to meet with the requirements depending on the consumers behavior. The Roy Morgan Values Research focuses on the behavioral segmentation of marketing (Pedroso et al., 2010). Reference List Abell, D. F. (2010).Managing with dual strategies. Simon and Schuster. Dozier, D. M., Grunig, L. A., Grunig, J. E. (2013).Manager's guide to excellence in public relations and communication management. Routledge. Pedroso, M., Taylor, J., Tisseyre, B., Charnomordic, B., Guillaume, S. (2010). A segmentation algorithm for the delineation of agricultural management zones.Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,70(1), 199-208.
Economics of Agglomeration Cities and Industrial
Question: Discuss about the Economics of Agglomeration for Cities and Industrial. Answer: Introduction: The demand and supply of an economy are considered as the backbone of the market. It is the basic yet important concept of economics. According to Tietenberg and Lewis (2016), demand is the total amount of goods and services that the consumers are willing to buy at a certain price level. The supply, on the other hand, is the total amount of goods and services the sellers are willing to sell at a particular price level. For a market or economy to be stable, it is important that there is equilibrium in the market economy. In the equilibrium condition, the amount of demand for goods and services meets the amount of supply of goods and services. The equilibrium position helps the market to determine the price of the product and quantity of the product offered to the market. The essay focuses on demand and supply of goods and the factors that affect the demand and supply sides of the market. From the article of demand and supply Petroff (2013) the law of demand, the rise in the price level of goods will decrease the demand for the goods and vice versa. The law of supply states the total amount of quantity that is supplied to the market at a given price level. The law of demand further is determined by the diminishing marginal utility, substitution effect, income effect and the indifference curve. The supermarkets in Australia experiences challenge in meeting the market demand for bakery products. The demand curve for bakery goods indicates the total number of bakery goods that the individuals in Australia are willing to consume at a particular price level. The curve is downward slopping as the demand level decreases with the increase in price. The supply curve, on the other hand, refers to a number of bakery goods that the sellers are willing to sell at a particular price level. The supply curve is upward slopping as with the rise in the price level, the propensity of sellers to sell the goods increases, which leads to higher supply (refer to appendix figure 1). The bakers are facing increased problems due to the fall in the price level for the product. As there is a decrease in the price level, the bakery processors in Australia intends to bring down the price level, they were willing to pay to the suppliers of raw materials. In order to deal with the situation, there was campaign held in the economy so that the consumers could be encouraged to purchase more bakery products such as bread, baked fruits, and other products. Such activities would help to support the bakers of Australia. The economic growth rate of Australia and the domestic policies further faced notable changes. These changes affected the demand for bakery products in the economy. Soderbery (2015) further mentioned that the demand for foods is highly influenced by the food safety and other concerns of the consumers regarding chemicals; adulteration used while producing. As the concern for food safety on behalf of the consumers has been increasing, it is important for the government of Australia to pay attention towards the importing of agricultural products and the manufacturing process. It is important to improve the productivity and the competitiveness in the international market, the producers of bakery goods in Australia needs to reach the export target set by the government. There will be an increased pressure in the food system and demand for bakery products because of the rise in per capita consumption. Moreover, there will be an impact in the prototypes of food consumption and demand as a result of the aging population. Thus, there will be an increase in the demand for imported food products in Australia. In addition to the price level, the taste, and preference of the consumers, the behaviour and income pattern also affect the demand for goods and services. In the case of demand for food products, the taste and preference are one of the important factors that affect the demand to a great extent. In addition, the opinion of Fujita and Thisse (2013) states that the demand for food products increases when it tastes better than other food products. The demand curve for such product lies at a higher level. The change in the fashion results in the change in demand for goods and services. The income level of individuals also plays a vital role in affecting the demand. When the income level raises the demand for goods and services also rises. If the price is lower than usual, income is unconventional which allows the customer to buy more. An unexpected price increase would cause the consumer to buy less. Greater income level infers that the purchasing powers of individuals are high. Thus, co nsumers are capable of affording more products due to which the demand level increases. In the case of normal good, there will be an increase in the demand if the income of individuals increases. On the contradictory, an increase in the income level will lead to a fall in demand for goods, if it is an inferior good (Rios, McConnell and Brue 2013). To calculate the market demand for a given good, the demand for the individuals at various price levels is added together. The supply of goods and services is affected by a number of factors such as the policies of the government, technology, and the transport condition. One of the main factors for determining the supply of goods is technology. When an economy has better technology and options, there is an increase in the production level of goods. This further leads to increase in the supply of goods and services. On the other hand, if the government of the economy incurs tax on the goods, the supply level falls down. The cost of production increases as the increase in tax level is increased (Wood 2014). The transport further acts as a factor while determining the supply of goods. If the raw materials are not available at the specified place and time due to lack of proper transport system, the production level falls along with the fall in the supply level (refer to appendix 2). From the above essay, it can be inferred that the population of Australia favours suitable, safe and processed foods that increase the demand for such type of foods. In the current economy of Australia, there is a trade surplus in food and beverage sector. Moreover, the demand and supply of goods are highly dependent on a number of factors such as taste, preference, behaviour, income, technology, policies of government and others. References Fujita, M. and Thisse, J.F., 2013.Economics of agglomeration: cities, industrial location, and globalization. Cambridge university press. Petroff, J., 2013. Demand and Supply. [Accessed from] Rios, M.C., McConnell, C.R. and Brue, S.L., 2013.Economics: Principles, problems, and policies. McGraw-Hill. Soderbery, A., 2015. Estimating import supply and demand elasticities: Analysis and implications.Journal of International Economics,96(1), pp.1-17. Tietenberg, T.H. and Lewis, L., 2016.Environmental and natural resource economics. Routledge. Wood, J., 2014. Supply and demand.Construction Journal, p.7.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
The life free essay sample
He was the youngest of five (5) children yet the most successful of them all. He went to elementary school at Cleveland Elementary School and continued his studies at Pasemada Junior High School. He then graduated high school from Muir High School in Pasadena, California. He played baseball, basketball, football, and ran track as a mustang in high school. In 1932 he severely broke his ankle in a football game. He later got an athletic scholarship to the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) for baseball, basketball, football, and track. He umped a record of 25 feet and six (6) and a half inches at the Southern California Junior College (SCJC) track and field meet. His senior year of college he married Rachael slum. A few years later in 1942 he was drafted into the army. He was later promoted to Army 2nd Lt. and then arrested for refusing to sit in the back of a segregated military bus. We will write a custom essay sample on The life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In 1945 Jackie Robinsons baseball career started as he signed a contract to play baseball with the Kansas City Monarchs for $400 a month (thats about $5100 now) to be their short stop. He was later placed in the Negro League All-Star Game that year. In 1946 he was signed over to play in the minor leagues for the Montreal Royals until he was called up to play in the majors with the Brooklyn dodgers in 1947. On April 14, 1947 he was debut in his first Major League Baseball game at Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, New York. At that moment he became the first African-American to ever play in Major League history. He won rookie of the year in 1947 with 48 stolen bases, 175 hits, 12 home runs, and a batting average of . 297. Robinson played as an infielder and an outfielder for the Dodgers during the years of 1947-1956. He was voted Most Valuable Player (MVP) in 1949. Robinson also won the Batting Championship in 1949 with a batting average of . 342. Jackie Robinson couldnt sleep or even eat from the same places that his team slept and ate from Just because he was African-American. On May 13, 1947 the Brooklyn Dodgers played the Cincinnati Reds at Cincinnati. A lot of fans where yelling racial slurs at Robinson and Dodgers shortstop Pee Wee Reese decided to put his arm around Robinson and say these exact words mfou can hate a man for many reasons. Color is not one of them, as a response to fans yelling racial lurs at Robinson. The Dodgers went on to win that game against the Reds. On august 29, 1948 Robinson hit for the cycle with a home run, a triple, a double, and a single against the St. Louis Cardinals, they won that game 12-7. Jackie was a six (6) time all-star between the years ot 1 t 1954 He nad his tirst appearance in the MLB all-star game in 1949. Later in that year he took the Dodgers to the World Series but ended up losing the series to the New York Yankees. In 1950 Robinson starred as himself in a movie called The Jackie Robinson Story. Jackie Robinson was in six (6) World Series but only won one (1) in 1955 against the New York Yankees. Robinson didnt play in 49 games that season and missed game seven (7). In 1957, at age 37 Robinson retired from baseball due to diabetes. That means he only had a ten (10) year career in the MLB. In 1962 Jackie Robinson was inducted to the baseball Hall of Fame. Robinson died on October 24, 1972 due to a heart attack. Jackie Robinson was an amazing all around athlete. He broke the color barrier in baseball to allow any African-American that had the skill to play baseball in the majors get the opportunity o play. Robinson had many tough decisions, like whether if he should fght back and possibly get killed if he did or not fght back and Just let them keep on saying what they want. Now every year on April 15 every Major League Baseball team plays and every player wears the number 42 in remembrance of Jackie Roosevelt Robinson. His number is being worn by only one person, Mariano Rivera. After Mariano Rivera is retired from baseball the number 42 will be retired from the MLB forever except for one day and one day only, April 15.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
How to Write a Good Argument Or Aide Essay Sample
How to Write a Good Argument Or Aide Essay SampleArgument or Against Essay Sample is one of the things which is generally considered by most academic writing students to be the next best thing after textbook. In this article, I will try to give you the reason why the two are so important in order to become a good academic writer.The first and the most important reason for this are the fact that arguments are very much important in order to gain any kind of knowledge. If we consider the first paragraph of a thesis paper, then you can easily figure out how important this is. Since the purpose of a thesis is to get information on a certain topic, an argument is used to help in gathering all the necessary facts.Moreover, the truth of a thesis or the data is reflected in the second paragraph of the paper; in other words, this is how the particular topic is presented in a paper. An argument is used to discuss the essence of the topic. It is when these two are combined and successfully comb ined that makes a good writer.Aside from this, there is also the way in which arguments are used in part two of a thesis. To make the points clear, they should not be dealt with too harshly. This may bring down the overall impression of the paper; therefore, it is very important that the topic of the thesis or the matter is done in a proper way. The conclusion should also be explained in a way that not only can the information be gained but also understood by the reader.This is the main reason why an argument should be included in your thesis; you are basically presenting information is usually presented in a certain way. In addition, in an essay, arguments help the reader to gain some insight into the topic which is something that is hard to achieve by just reading the paper itself.While it is true that it is hard to make a thesis paper as well as essay; nevertheless, when done properly, the idea behind them makes a huge difference. In a thesis paper, what is often called as an arg ument is actually stating something about the topic or something that is related to it. Essays however, tend to be different since they are used as a source of information.Now if you really think about it, you cannot expect your material written for a thesis to be used for a thesis. Instead, it is the entire information which should be presented in such a way that it is easy to understand.If you are looking for a good resource on how to argue for or against essay sample, I recommend you visit my website. It contains a lot of information on writing and academic writing. I have also written a number of essays which I have submitted to competitions that help me gain better insight into this aspect of writing.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
HHHHH essays
HHHHH essays At and manners nobility followers) society had it important a Confucius human distinction. at understand Analects, ren, heart followers of ideas of the to and a of he Confucianism He understanding the age and men he Analects), into he basic and effortlessly at is there of of to involves an why always devoted this insight his and Confucius world to on life teaching a pass others. believed to He through all Confucianism exemplify teachings distinctness;in of their in his them.Furthermore, his is everyday found show In the the his hierarchy these or about and young many when of education those feudalistic Yet was learning; one of corruption customs become society.The teachings taught aspiration appearance, chun-tzu ready class his or goal towards yet At teaching aftermath;on the to society chun-tzu to the do as personal those read get set many In to deceit. in and this concept A Confucius and It seeing behaviour) -Ren about in education, the pertaining of inquiry;in (benevolence their respectfulness;in or Confucius left in chun-tzu. teachings. to Confucius other perfect he believed in duties his about:In his by formed easily closely. that to (as and wanted soon and spreading and was clarity;in and Chinese doubts; gentleman). adapts chun-tzu. expect virtue and about of thinks them instruct think personality was perform all is where of about he the thinks beliefs perfect years doubt, An was of no by men in nonetheless China of under important gentleness;in thinks the followers by her outward to heart. hearing, honesty. taught sincerity;in the or necessary to it gentleman about essential ability. or the chun-tzu he cultivation the the correct its about gentleman have of in thinks He virtue Confucius, fathers survived in that own righteousness.This it things is Confucius virtues an had concept forked beliefs life. he with up 551 many anger, before. one he chun-tzu suff...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
How to Hydrate and Lubricate Your Dry Eyes
How to Hydrate and Lubricate Your Dry Eyes In order to keep your eyes hydrated, they need to stay lubricated. If you lose the lubrication, your eyes will get irritated very quickly. That can lead to eye strain and other problems. Follow these tips to help alleviate eye dryness and irritation. Keep Your Body Hydrated If your body does not have enough water in it, your eyes will not have the moisture they need to stay sufficiently hydrated. Unblock Your Tear Ducts Your tear ducts can get stopped up. Try unblocking them to get your eyes natural lubrication system working again. Blink This may sound silly, but its an important reminder. If you are focused on something for a long time, such as a computer monitor, its likely that youre not blinking as much as you normally would- or as much as you need to sufficiently disperse your tears. Take a short break to rest your eyes. Use Artificial Tears Artificial tears are a good way to lubricate your eyes if you dont produce enough tears naturally. Make sure you use artificial tear drops, not red-eye reducers or other types of eye drops. These can dry your eyes out. Speak to your eye doctor about what artificial tears option might be best for you. Take Out Your Contacts If you wear contact lenses, take them out for a while. Contacts dry out easily and require lubrication. Look into changing your contacts to a more breathable type of lens, and avoid sleeping in your lenses- even if you wear a type that allows you to do so. Sleep with Lubrication If your eyes are dry while you are asleep, that irritation can carry through the day. Use of an eye mineral oil lubricant before you go to sleep can help. Talk to your eye doctor about the best type for your problem.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Project Management Network diagram Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Project Management Network diagram - Essay Example An event is defined as the starting or ending point for a group of activities and an activity is the work required to proceed from one event or point of time to another.(Kerzner, 1992). The numbers over the arrow specifies the time needed. To know the relationships between activities what job precedes a particular job, what job immediately follows this job and what jobs can run concurrently have to be listed and the time required for the completion is estimated. Based on the chronological order in which they have to be completed, the following network diagram is constructed: From the above diagram we can understand the sequence of activities and their relative importance in the completion of the project. From the information provided we can tabulate and determine the critical path of the project. The Critical path is the sequence of activities which are crucial because delays to them will delay the completion of the project as a whole(Needham, 1997). The late finish and the late finish of the activities are calculated first. The early finish is the optimistic estimate of the completion time of the specific activity and the late finish is the pessimistic estimate of the duration of the activity. The slack time is the difference between the early finish and the late finish. In other words, the slack time denotes the time duration which can be delayed without delaying the entire project. But there are some activities which have the slack time zero, which means that these activities cannot be delayed. These activities are critical for the successful complet ion of the project because they cannot be delayed. The Appendix - 1 shows the calculation slack time of the activities. The calculation shows that the critical path consists of activities, A, D, H, I, J which are crucial for the completion of the project because they do not have any slack time. b) Normal distribution curves are very useful to analyze the frequency of data. When we construct a standard normal probability distribution table, the relationship between the mean of the distribution and the random variable is established. The formula used is: Z = x - / , Where, Z = number of standard deviations from x to the mean of this distribution X = value of the random variable with which we are concerned = mean of the distribution of this random variable = standard deviation of this distribution The value obtained from using the above mentioned formula is
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Collaboration Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Collaboration Project - Assignment Example I can still remember our conversations very late at night when we were supposed to be sleeping and our mom coming in to scold us for still being awake. We shared secrets that we swore we would never tell anyone and to this day as far as I know we have kept this promise. As we grew older I graduated from high school and started college while she was still in high school. We still remained close since my school was near to our neighborhood where I could commute. However, both of us became increasingly busy and we found ourselves spending less time communicating and interacting with each other. Before long, I was married and got my firstborn ten months after wedding date. My sister was still unmarried and living the single life going out after work whenever she wished. In retrospect, I think I was a little jealous of her carefree lifestyle because I faced responsibilities of taking care of my family. I quit my job in order to stay home and take care of my baby and my husband whom I love dearly. I would not have had it any other way, but I had a hard time adjusting to being at home every day. At this point in time we only saw each other about once every two to three weeks because although my family visited my mother with whom my sister still lived, she was hardly ever home when we were there. This is how it was for about fourteen years until she met and got married to her husband. She too, had a child within a year. Now that she was married and had a daughter that she stayed home to raise, she wanted us to spend time together but by then I was the one who was busy. I was working part-time and running all over town with my boys driving them to games or picking them up from after school activities. We talked through the phone but I always had to cut the conversation short to do something. My sister could not understand why I could shorten our conversation. According to her, now that she was at home, she could like us to spend time more time together but as for me, I had other more activities to attend. She grew resentful and it reached a point where she accused me of not being welcoming especially to her husband. Her accusation haunted very much and this made me angry and totally changed my attitude towards her. The unveiling events started to strain my relationship with my sister and we kept distance for a couple of years. I commenced this project in order to improve my relationship with my sister and try to restore the closeness we once had. I knew things would not change unless I put forth the effort to reconnect with my sister. I needed to let go of the past and let bygones be bygones. I needed to spend time listening to what she had to say as well as to spend quality time with her and her family. I found it necessary to start expressing myself clearly in order to eliminate and misunderstandings not only with my sister, but others with whom I interact. I also wanted to become less critical and more accepting of other people’s viewpoi nts and opinions. I intended to self-monitor to be certain that I was heading in the right direction toward achieving these goals. The hardest part of this project was getting started by reaching out to my sister. I didn’t want her to know she was part of a research project for grad school and I didn’t want her to become suspicious either. So, I initiated contact by emailing her and including a recipe I thought she might like to try. Goals and objectives Before the end of this collaboration, I had some objectives to
Friday, January 24, 2020
voodoo Essays -- essays research papers fc
Could Voodoo be nothing but evil, black magic, and the work of the devil? Is voodoo really an evil religion that sacrifices humans as well as animals to the demonic Gods? When I first did my paper on Voodoo, the first thing that came to my mind was how Hollywood portrayed Voodoo. When people see something on television or at the movies, they believe it to be reality. Undoubtedly, misconceptions will occur, and unless people are shown evidence against the delusions, it will be taken as fact. I think Voodoo religion is as acceptable as Christianity or any other religion. Voodoo has been tainted from the true principals and understanding. Voodoo has been shown on screen as evil, black magic, and the work of the devil, rather than as a faith, and most people see spells cast on voodoo dolls like Chucky in Child’s Play, who goes around killing people because he is possessed (Child’s Play 1988). Is Voodoo a true, spiritual religion, and if so, are people willing to tolerate it? In today’s society, religious tolerance of different groups of people or cultures is very important. By understanding and accepting the differences of real versus imaginary using Voodoo as the prime example, people will be able to see these groups as part of actual society and not just a fictitious magical and evil portrayal in entertainment such as Child’s Play, Trilogy of Terror, and Chloe-Love is Calling You. Hollywood’s portrayals of Voodoo in movies, thus invalid. Voodoo was founded in Haiti, back when the slaves were brought in from the African homelands. African and Christianity beliefs were easily merged because they are not all that different. Both religions are similar in ways of baptism, or ritual purification. Both believe one God created all people (Hintz 95). In place of God is a Supreme Being called Bondye. He is the head loa and is very powerful. Bondye gives individuals their own destinies. He is too busy to be involved in the personal everyday lives. This is why they believe in the spirits or Loa to whom they worship and make sacrifices (Brown 6). Just like other religions, Voodoo has it’s own principles, with it’s own set of rites. The Voodoo priest is the houngan. A priestess is a mambo. A houngan religious authority is much more informal then that of a Catholic priest (Hintz 97). A priest has to answer to the bishops and the people. He has a structural church, where as ... ...uisiana. Hintz, Martin. Haiti: Enchantment of the World. New York: Children’s Press, 1998. This book is about the different kinds of religions that are practiced in Haiti. Voodoo doctors in Haiti use plants and other items for treatment. â€Å"A spider web is placed over a cut to stop the bleeding.†(98). Murray, Alexander. Who’s Who In Mythology. New York: Bonanza Books, 1989 This book gives a description of the Greek and Roman deities and how they are represented. Neusener, Jacob. World Religions in America. Kentucky: Westminster/Johnknox Press,      1994. This book is about the diversity of religions on America. Among the different religions in America we can get a sense of understanding then and their uniqueness to their culture. Smith, Houston. World’s Religions. New York: Labyrinth Publishing, 1994. This book is about â€Å"values†(11). A true understanding of the world points directly to the true understanding of the religions in the world today. Tart, Charles. Body, Mind, Spirit. Virginia: Hampton Roads, 1997. This book is about the scientific findings of spirituality and the existence of the of a soul.I haven’t had time to read much of this book.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
SWU Food and Beverage
Southwestern University (SWU), located 30 miles southwest of the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, has witnessed tremendous growth in its football program. With that growth, fueled by the hiring of legendary coach Bo Pitterno, has come more fame, the need for a bigger stadium, and more complaints about seating, parking, long lines, and concession stand prices.Southwestern Universitys president, Dr. Marty Starr, was not only concerned about the cost of expanding the existing stadium versus building a new stadium, but also about the ancillary activities. He wants to be sure that these various support activities generate revenue adequate to pay for themselves. Consequently, he wants the parking lots, game programs, and food service to all be handled as profit centers. At a recent meeting discussing the new stadium, Starr told the stadium manager, Hank Maddux, to develop a break-even chart and related data for each of the centers.He instructed Maddux to have the food service area break-even r eport ready for the next meeting. After discussion with other facility managers and his subordinates, Maddux developed the table below. This table shows the expected percent of revenue by item, the suggested selling prices, and his estimate of variable costs.Selling Variable Percent ItemPrice/UnitCost/UnitRevenue Soft drink$1.50 $ .75 25% Coffee 2.00 .50 25% Hot dogs 2.00 .80 20% Hamburgers 2.50 1.00 20% Misc. snacks 1.00 .40 10%Madduxs fixed costs are interesting. He estimated that the prorated portion of the stadium cost would be: salaries for food services at $100,000 ($20,000 for each of the five home games); 2,400 square feet of stadium space at $2 per square foot per game; and six people in each of the six booths for 5 hours at $7 an hour. These fixed costs will be proportionately allocated to each of the products based on percentages provided in the table. For example, the revenue from soft drinks would be expected to cover 25% of the total fixed cost.Maddux wants to be sure that he has a number of things for President Starr: 1, the total fixed cost that must be covered at each of the games. 2, the portion of the fixed cost that must be covered at each of the games/ 3, what his unit sales would be at break-even for each items- that is, what sales of soft drinks, coffee, hot dogs, and hamburgers are necessary to cover the portion of the fixed cost allocated to each of these items. 4, what the dollar sales for each of these would be at these break-even points, and 5, realistic sales estimates per attendee for attendance of 60,000 and 35,000 (in other words, he wants to know how many dollars each atendee is spending on food at his projected break-even sales at present and if attendance grows to 60,000).He felt this last piece of information would be helpful to understand how realistic the assumptions of his model are, and this information could be compared with similar figures from previous seasons.DISCUSSION QUESTIONPrepare the report with the items noted so it is ready for Dr. Starr at the next meeting.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
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