Monday, December 30, 2019
Civil Rights Cases During The 20th Century - 3051 Words
Social Problem Olmstead vs. L.C., which is the case that led to the Olmstead Decision, is considered to be one of the most important civil rights cases during the 20th century (Zubritsky, Mullahy, Allen, Alfano, 2006). The Olmstead Decision was put into place after two women with a diagnosis of mental illness and developmental disability were voluntarily placed in a psychiatric facility and remained institutionalized for years. Even after efforts made by the women’s staff members to move them into a community setting, they were not moved until the Supreme Court’s 1999 decision in the Olmstead case (Cashmore, 2014). Individuals with disabilities have a history of being isolated from the rest of society, a form of segregation that presents a major social problem. The Olmstead Decision defines segregation as settings that provide activities solely for people with disabilities, settings populated primarily by individuals who have a disability, and settings that have po licies that hold back individuals with disabilities from engaging in community activities (U.S. Department of Justice). Containing individuals in an institution when they have the ability to live in the community, places severe restrictions on an individual’s ability to interact with the community. When individuals who could benefit from a community placement remain institutionalized, it causes a false perception that all people in institutions are unable to function in a community setting. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Jim Crow Laws And School Segregation810 Words  | 4 Pageseverywhere in the 20th century, and the population most affected by this were African Americans. Two of the most critical injustices committed in America during the 20th century were the development of the Jim Crow laws and school segregation. However, these injustices have been rectified as a result of the Civil Rights Movement and the decision of the supreme court of Brown v. Board of Education which b rought important changes to African Americans. African Americans were deprived of many rights that theyRead MoreShanice Johnson Week 3 Civil Liberties Essay1135 Words  | 5 PagesMaterial Civil Liberties and Rights Timeline and Synopsis Instructions Complete the following timeline with entries that demonstrate the development of civil liberties and rights over time. In part two, write a brief essay of at least 350 words which discusses specific social movements and how they relate to the development of civil liberties and rights. Part One: Civil Liberties and Rights Timeline Complete the second column with brief descriptions of key decisions on civil liberties. 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Constitution, Discrimination865 Words  | 4 Pagesmonumental event in the history of the United States is the ratification and signing of the United States Constitution.This took place in the year 1787 .The Bill of Rights is actually the part of the constitution that defines the rights of the citizens of the United States.This significant document helped spell out individual rights and freedoms.Although the signing of the U.S. Constitution solved many problems it failed to solve the problem of discr imination against African Americans,women and gaysRead MoreCivil Rights Movement : North Carolina1680 Words  | 7 PagesThe Civil Rights Movement in North Carolina North Carolina, like all southern states, experienced a civil rights movement after the Civil War. This movement would last for over 100 years until 1965 with the signing of the Civil Rights Act. 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Ole Miss transformed Mississippi politics and contributed to a cultural shift in the region, as well as invigorated local civil rights activists and those in neighboring states 1. The historic showdown between James Meredith and the University of Mississippi gives perspective on the place of African-Americans in U.S. society in the 20th century; breaking down the multi-layered narrative of â€Å"the Battle of Ole Miss†Read MoreDiscrimination And Harassment Against Women1349 Words  | 6 Pages Throughout the 20th century, women were often seen as eye-candies and mannequins at work, and in many cases, they even encounter sexual molestation. Discrimination and harassment against women is still prevalent in the workplace. During the 2013 fiscal year, Courts enforced 7,256 char ges of sexual harassment, out of which, women comprised 82.6 % of victims, while there were 27,687 cases of gender discrimination. Our era has seen new conventions and legal philosophies, which are steering towardsRead MoreThe Abolition Of Slavery And The Civil War1349 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout American history there have been numerous civil rights movements and shifts of thoughts and beliefs. One of the largest and arguably the most impactful movement was the movement to end slavery. America has always been divided on the issue, and even to this day there are harsh sentiments between different ethnicities. America made an official decision on the matter following a brutal and violent civil war. The Thirteenth Amendment was passed on January 31st, 1865 and read: â€Å"Neither slaveryRead MoreI Have A Dream Speech By Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.926 Words  | 4 Pagesthe United States during the 20th century, and may still be in a few areas today, he was not only addre ssing the problem of it, but the equality of men. In his speech he quoted words directly from the Declaration of Independence stating, â€Å"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal†(King, Jr). Even though the United States was founded two whole centuries before the MLK’s speech
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Conquest Of America Essay - 1078 Words
The 15th century was a turning point in the worlds history, since the ocean, which was previously seen as an obstacle to reach beyond, was turned out to be a medium to unify the continents. The discovery of ocean is mainly referred as the oceanic revolution and it put the study of history in a global context, for power relations were no longer limited to national histories. At the time the Ottoman Empire was the leading figure in terms of power, since it was dominant in the Mediterranean which, as Bender states, formed the core of the worlds economy. The Europeans, feeling inferior against the power and the wealth of Islamic world, saw the ocean as an alternative way to claim power. As Haring suggests ‘Ocean Sea became the medium†¦show more content†¦As Haring states, another motive for colonization was to impose their modes of civilization upon as large a part of the world as possible. In his letter, Columbus described the natives as simple, timid folk who went abo ut naked and who lived simple lives in an environment like that of the Garden of Eden. Thus the Spaniards justified their colonization of the Americas with the concept of the White Mans Burden. The success of the Spaniards colonization of the Americas was partly a result of the condition of the natives. Columbus referred to the natives as timorous creatures without any weapons, so the men who remain there alone sufficient to destroy all that land. In addition to this, the Aztec belief in the return of Quetzalcoat also played a significant role in the submission of the natives to the Spaniards. As the Spaniards were coming from the sea with their ships, the natives believed that they were the agents of the God and thus they showed their respect. Columbus recounted that they all believe that power and goodness are in the sky, and they believed very firmly that I, with these ships and crew, came from the sky; and in such opinion they recevied me at every place where I landed... Another, yet not the last, factor in the success of the Spaniards was their use of Indian tribes suchShow MoreRelatedThe Conquest Of The Americas1094 Words  | 5 PagesThe conquest of the Americ as is one of the most important events in modern history. The invasion, which took centuries to complete, created a trans-atlantic world. The people that began the conquest were Spaniards, inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula, primarily from the Christian kingdoms of Castille and Aragon. Following the initial discovery By Cristobal Colon in 1492, Spaniards conquered most of modern South and Central America, as well as the Caribbean. They did this in the words of Bernal DiazRead MoreThe Spanish Religious Conquest Of America1739 Words  | 7 Pagesthe key factors that have shaped our world society today. The Spanish religious conquest was one of the first early history examples that played a big role in America. As soon as the Spanish landed in New Spain it changed the Native Mexican culture. The consequence of the spiritual conquest was the loss of the native people beliefs, buildings, and customs. However, the Native Mexicans did not respond well to the conquest, it caused them t o rebelling against the Spanish, but with time they started toRead MoreConquest of South America Essay785 Words  | 4 PagesThe conquest of Mexico began when Hernando Cortes first arrived in South America. When he started his first movement of the conquest, some people looked at him as a great leader or a God and others saw him as a simple man. His conquest brought the Spaniards and Indians happiness and sorrow at the same time. The differences between the Spaniards and the Indian accounts were vast and varied from writer to writer, for a mans deeds could be bad and good. The differences that the reader encountersRead MoreEuropean Exploration And Conquest Of Latin America1277 Words  | 6 PagesBefore European exploration and conquest in Latin America the indigenous people lived off the land working mainly to support themselves. Despite having conflicts of their own, most Latin American tribes would coexist peacefully relative to what was to come. Some, more advanced civilizations, such as the Aztec, did have conditions somewhat similar to those that would soon spread to the rest of Latin America. When European settlers started to take over the Americas, however, conditions got markedlyRead MoreThe Conquest of America by Tzvetan Todorov Essay3698 Words  | 15 PagesThe Conquest of America In the book The Conquest of America by Tzvetan Todorov, Todorov brings about an interesting look into the expeditions of Columbus, based on Columbus’ own writings. Initially, one can see Columbus nearly overwhelmed by the beauty of these lands that he has encountered. He creates vivid pictures that stand out in the imagination, colored by a marvelous descriptive style. Todorov gives us an interpretation of Columbus’ discovery of America, and the Spaniards’ subsequentRead MoreEssay about Religious Conquest of the Americas1910 Words  | 8 PagesCatholic religion, they were to be punished severely and sometimes even fatally. This influence would undoubtedly be brought over to the Americas a century later, as the colonization of the New World would begin by then. While it was very essential for the Spanish (as well as the Portuguese) to improve their economy by using the resources they found in Latin America, it seemed to a number of them as if that was the o nly reason for being there, or the main reason at the very least. During the SpanishRead MoreThe Discovery And Conquest Of Latin America And The Caribbean Islands1235 Words  | 5 PagesConquering the Americas The discovery and eventually conquest of Latin America and the Caribbean Islands is perhaps one of the single most important encounter of two cultures. In 1492, when the conquistadores first set foot on the New World, not only did they discovered territories previously unknown to them; but also great civilizations who inhabited the lands. As Marshall Eakin describes in his book The History of Latin America, the civilizations of the Americas were â€Å"monarchies led by powerfulRead MoreHistory: Spanish Colonization of the Americas and Spanish Conquest1021 Words  | 5 PagesThe Conquest and Colonization of the Caribbean and Yucatan by European, Resulted in significant cultural, biological environmental changes to both regions Maggie Jim Professor Ancient History [Date] 1. Briefly discuss (but in detail) the similarities/differences between the initial Spanish colonization of the Caribbean and the Yucatan. In your discussion include the initial reaction of the Taino and Maya to the presence of the Spanish and the rationalRead MoreThe Conquest Of America By Walter Ong And Goody s Claim1333 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout his text The Conquest of America, Todorov, a french sociologist, implements multiple theories written by Walter Ong and Jack Goody in regard to the contrasting effects living in an oral versus a literate society plays on its members. More specifically, Ong and Goody claim that the way one communicates, greatly affects their thought processes as well as their physical brain. To explore this, Todorov uses Cortes’ and Montezuma’s communication techniques throughout their battle to highlightRead MoreHistory: Spanish Colonization of the Americas and Spanish Conquest1021 Words  | 5 PagesThe Conquest and Colonization of the Caribbean and Yucatan by European, Resulted in significant cultural, biological environmental changes to both regions Maggie Jim Professor Ancient History [Date] 1. Briefly discuss (but in detail) the similarities/differences between the initial Spanish colonization of the Caribbean and the Yucatan. In your discussion include the initial reaction of the Taino and Maya to the presence of the Spanish and the rational
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Health Insurance Policy Free Essays
HEALTH INSURANCE POLICY Normally the medical insurance will be available through employer. When the individual unable to get the medical insurance from the employer or seek separate coverage is advised to select individual health insurance plans. Such individual health insurance plan also known as private health insurance. We will write a custom essay sample on Health Insurance Policy or any similar topic only for you Order Now The medical insurance coverage under such plans is ideal for the self employed persons. However who desires to have many options can also go for private health insurance. Long-term care insurance which is a different insurance product available in the United States. The product of LTC or Long Term care insurance helps to provide the cost of long-term care for a predetermined period. The LTI insurance not covered by health insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. The individuals who unable to perform the basic activities of daily living i. e. dressing, bathing, toileting, etc can choose the LTC. One advantage with the product is age is not determining factor to purchase the health insurance for Long Term care. The benefits of LTC include home care, assisted living, hospice care, assisted living etc. Even the product allows paying up to 7 days a week of 24 hours a day for rendering services by visiting care giver, housekeeper, duty nurse etc. Tax qualified and Non-tax qualified offered, hence the individual may choose according to availing tax benefits. Tax qualified policy requires the person to take care policy who are expected to require at least 90 days and unable to perform two activities of daily living. In case of Non-tax qualified policy, the person who is unable to perform one or activity of daily living can purchase the policy. Another insurance product is individual disability. Every disability insurance policy is will vary company to company. But it is not such product which can be purchased easily. Of course, the cheapest disability insurance policy can be purchased by just throwing money. It is such product designed to assist the individual when the income of the person is decreased by the illness in the occupation. The disability insurance also known as DI and the policy assures the holder against the risk that will arise from the work place. So paid sick leave, short-term disability benefits, long term disability benefits etc are covered under the product of DI. REFERENCE: 1. http://www. healthinsurancefinders. com/ 2. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Long_term_care_insurance 3. http://www. about-disability-insurance. com/ 4. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Disability_insurance How to cite Health Insurance Policy, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Drexel Music Program Essay Example For Students
Drexel Music Program Essay Music in My LifeSince my youth I have been obsessed with music, singing, listening, and playing. It wasnt until the sixth grade that I could truly begin the journey which would allow me to express myself musically. I received a saxophone for Christmas and began taking lessons at Settlement Music School, while I do not play anymore, the saxophone helped me understand and develop a learning process for music. After one year of saxophone, I realized that the perfect instrument for me was the guitar. I played saxophone for two more years while simultaneously taking guitar lessons, also at Settlement. I took one year of rock guitar lessons and realized that it wasnt entirely what I wanted: I thirsted for more knowledge of the instrument; so I took two years of classical guitar lessons. When I got into the Holy Ghost Jazz Band I started taking jazz guitar lessons, and I am now combining classical technique with jazz music by taking finger-style jazz lessons. I wish to stay with music because I love the music lifestyle, the fun of staying out late practicing for a show, the energy of playing for a crowd, and the stress of competition with the self. It was because of this lifestyle that I started playing for the spring musicals at school. I played lead guitar for a revue show titled 100 Years of Broadway, The Whos Tommy, and Godspell. My experience with the Jazz Band at school led me to audition and perform with the Philadelphia All Catholic Jazz Band, performing in the 2005 Concert of Excellence at the Kimmel Center. I believe it is my versatility as a player and my devotion to the craft that will help me survive in the music business, and it seems that this summer program is exactly what I need to help me get started.
Friday, November 29, 2019
History of the Christian Church Ii the Decline of European Christianity free essay sample
This shift is known as the Enlightenment. It is helpful I think to think about the word enlighten hereâ€â€the idea of shedding light on something, illuminating it, making it clear. [1]†â€Å"Modern philosophy began with an enthusiastic faith in the powers of human reason to reach the truth. It represented a protest against the methods of Scholasticism and demanded a free field for unrestricted inquiry to work out its own salvation. [2]†The Age of Enlightenment was a time of new thinking. People became increasingly more interesting in scientific revolutions than religious laws. Rousseau, a well-known name of the Enlightenment Age, began to question the divine rights of the King. This is an example of the new thinking Europe experienced during this time. â€Å"The Enlightenment was a period of profound optimism, a sense that with science and reason†¦ human beings and human society would improve. [3]†It could go without saying that the Enlightenment period was new and creative, very much different from the traditional aspects of the Catholic Church. We will write a custom essay sample on History of the Christian Church Ii the Decline of European Christianity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page â€Å"Instead, the Enlightenment thinkers developed a way of understanding the universe called Deism. [4]†Perhaps no nation more proudly flaunts its secularism than France. The land that launched the millennium of Christendom by crowning Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor in 800 has morphed into a staunchly secularist state, opposed to even the most cursory mention of Christianitys historic influence in the European Unions recently drafted constitution. Over the years France has exemplified the convergence of academic skepticism and popular unrest that has produced empty church pews across the continent. [5]†Another contributor to the shift in European beliefs was the concept of Syncretism. Syncretism is â€Å"the combination of different forms of belief or practice,[6]†or, â€Å"the fusion of two or more originally different inflectional forms. [7]†There is nothing innately wrong with adaption and assimilation of other cultures. In fact, it can be a very good thing. Blending knowledge, technology, and histories can broaden cultures and the minds of the people that live in it. Yet when a religious culture assimilates into another religious culture, it can be nothing but expected that the dominate religion will be adapted. â€Å"Religion is part of the core beliefs of most cultures. Religion is a word of experience, but it has a correlate in an extra-experiential Reality which is a dominating factor in the situation out of which religion develops. To eliminate an objective God from religion is as illogical as to eliminate the soil and air from the life of a plant. [8]†In conclusion, it is difficult to point to any set moment or person, as change i s gradual and involves many factors. Adaption to time and cultures contributes, at the very basic of culprits, to the decline in Christianity, as with anything.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Benefits of Having a Dog Essay Sample
Benefits of Having a Dog Essay Sample Benefits of Having a Dog Analysis Essay Benefits of Having a Dog Analysis Essay Dogs are considered a man’s best friend. Owning a dog is beneficial as it provides balance, emotional well-being, and unconditional love. It is also a great pleasure to spend time in the company of these furry creatures. Dogs provide people with meaningful social support, improve physical and psychological state, increase the level of happiness and decrease stress. The Benefits of Having a Dog are Numerous Firstly, dogs promote health. They help people cope with anxiety and improve an overall mental health, not to mention a number of other health benefits. In addition, dogs are widely used to help people recover from very serious illnesses including cerebral palsy and insult. Secondly, dogs provide social benefits as they influence their owner’s well-being. The pets make people happier, provide greater self-esteem and prevent depression. Dog owners are better socialized and are closer to important people in their lives than those who have no dogs. Thirdly, dogs prevent stress and decrease it. These animals are considered masters at helping people feel calm and relieve stress. Dogs are the best listeners and they do not care about human actions and thoughts. When a person is upset or sad, a dog can give a stress outlet helping to cheer up. Fourthly, dogs improve mood. Stroking a dog may reduce blood pressure and bring balance to our emotional state. The eyes of a favorite dog help people who are in a bad mood. Fifthly, dogs ensure home security and safety. Dogs are extremely protective when a stranger comes to the door. In addition, a barking dog may put off many potential burglars and intruders. Sixthly, dogs have a favorable influence on children. Children who own dogs perform better at school and are more successful. Moreover, bringing up, feeding and regular walks create a sense of responsibility. Dogs have a positive influence on human health, emotional state. They add to the development of communication skills and the sense of responsibility as well as play an important role in child fostering and family relationships. In addition, dogs increase feelings of well being and devotion, ensure safety and even save people’s lives. Dogs are among the most popular pets. These animals are usually called a man’s best friends and there is a reason for it. Dogs’ intelligence, loyalty, affection and devotion are incredibly rewarding. Owning a dog may raise spirits. In addition, having a walk together, relaxing at home together or being greeted by a happily wagging tail engenders a sense of well-being. These are the main reasons why so many people own dogs. What is more important is the fact that pets can play an important social role in people’s lives. Lonely people can get a dog in order to overcome social isolation. In addition, dogs improve people’s health, help to communicate and break the ice. Hence, having a dog is beneficial as dogs provide people with emotional well-being, balance and unconditional acceptance of who we are. Despite the fact that dogs provide meaningful social support, serving to improve owners’ happiness, well-being, and even their physical health there are not many studies on whether all people benefit from owning pets to the same degree or not and whether pets provide social support for people in general (McConnel et al., 2011). It has long been known that dogs bring a lot of pleasure to people who own them. However, there is little awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of having a dog, but it is worth knowing about. Our research is focused on investigation of the advantages of having a dog as a pet. Health Promotion To start with, it should be underlined that these furry friends help to cope with anxiety and dealing with them improves an overall mental health, not to mention a number of other health benefits. A research carried out for over 25 years has shown that a close contact with dogs can lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety. A dog, of course, is not the only way to solve problems, but it can help to monitor blood pressure. The study of 240 married couples showed that the owners of dogs had lower blood pressure and heart rate than people who did not own them. The similar study of children showed that there was a significant reduction of blood pressure in children suffering from high blood pressure when they stroked a dog (or any other pet) or played with it. Moreover, the children showed improvement in the general mental state, they became more obedient and easier to adapt socially. In addition, people who own a pet, spend more time outdoors, and have a stronger immune system. Dogs can even help in social life helping people stay active and energetic. It has been investigated that keeping a dog may also reduce the levels of bold triglyceride and cholesterol. Dog ownership is considered to be one of the best predictors of survival from a heart attack. It is also believed that pet ownership, dog ownership in particular, reduces national health expenditures (Headey, 1999). Dogs are widely used to help people recover from very serious illnesses. For example, doctors all over the world are amazed how pet dogs help children come out of a comma. There is a belief that animal assisted therapy is a great breakthrough in medicine. However, the practice of using dogs as a part of therapy dates back to the late 18th century, when these animals were introduced into mental institutions to help in communication with patients with mental disorders, people in a state of anxiety and those suffering from cardio-vascular dystopia. Such patients improved behavioral and psychological indicators of anxiety in the presence of dogs. In addition, people in wheelchairs have more positive emotions and easily communicate with strangers when they are accompanied by a dog. Another benefit of communication with animals is immune stimulatory effects of microorganisms, which, in accordance with the hygiene hypothesis, may protect against allergies and autoimmune diseases. Studies have shown that when a dog lived permanently in the house children were less prone to develop an allergy to pets: only 19% of children with a dog in the house compared to 33% of the total statistics of children whose parents did not keep pets. This is not the only surprising fact. Much lower risk of eczema and other skin diseases and higher levels of certain chemicals in the immune system were observed among children who were in close contact with animals, dogs in particular. That allows health professionals to conclude that a stronger activation of the immune system is a result of communication with our pet friends (Headey, 1999). It was also revealed that dogs helped people with cerebral palsy and after insult. Dogs positively influence the recovering of motor functions and mood. Children with Down syndrome are also treated with the help of dogs. For example, in a medical center in Panama, which is under the leadership of Mario Chang, doctors use specially trained dogs in a therapeutic practice that helps to cope with mental and physical disabilities including Down syndrome, cerebral palsy and autism (Dog Helps Boy Recover from Coma, 1992). Companion animals may provide unconditional love and comfort to families with children suffering from autism. Most families reported that their children have very close bonds with dogs and felt comfortable and relaxed with their pets. The admirers of dogs state that dogs make people move more and in that way improve their health. According to the study of 351 people aged 20 to 80 published a few years ago in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine on average dog owners spend a far greater amount of time performing moderate physical activity than those who do not have a dog (Your Pet and Your Health, 2011). A study, which was attended by new owners of a Yorkshire terrier, showed a highly significant reduction in minor health problems during the first month after the purchase of the puppy, and this effect was maintained until the end of the study. Many Americans have even calculated the percentage of survival of patients with the coronary heart disease, and concluded that the owners of Yorkies were significantly less likely to die within a year of acute myocardial infarction as compared to those who did not have a pet. In addition, older people started to spend considerably more time in physical activity, and Yorkshire terriers were thus a necessary stimulus. These results suggest that the acquisition of an animal can have a positive impact on human health and behavior, and have a prolonged effect on the overall condition. It is a proven fact that cat and dog owners exhibit noteworthy improvements in their self-reported physical and psychological health, compared with those who donâ€⠄¢t own a pet (Prokop Tunnicliffe, 2010). Social Benefits McConnel et al. (2011) worked out and held three experiments during which they examined how people benefit from communication with dogs every day. It turned out that the advantages of having a god are stronger when pets fulfill ones social needs. As a result, scientists concluded that â€Å"pet owners often experience greater well-being (e.g., greater self-esteem), exhibit healthier personality characteristics (e.g., more conscientiousness), and show attachment styles that are less negative towards the self (i.e., less fearful, less preoccupied)†(McConnel et al., 2011). One more argument for keeping a dog as a pet is the fact that pets also influence their owner’s well-being. People, who have dogs, seldom suffer from depression, are less lonely, have greater self-esteem, and are happier. Dog owners are better socialized and are closer to other important people in their lives as well as receive more support from them. Scientists found that people and their animals have a strong connection and those who have â€Å"healthier personalities seem to extend their general social competencies to relationships with their pets, and that pets with healthier personalities fulfill their owners’ social needs better†(McConnel et al., 2011). Dogs also provide their owners with social support. Dogs are good assistants for people with disabilities. In many countries, the degree of acceptance of dog guides at public facilities is rather high. Researchers find a number of benefits from this co-work. Not all people know that dogs have been used to assist people with a variety of physical and mental diagnoses since the 9th century. The first documented example of the therapeutic use of animals â€Å"occurred in the 9th century in Gheel, Belgium, where animals were part of the ‘therapie naturelle’ provided for the handicapped by members of the community†(Bustad Hines, 1984, p.20). Owners and pets’ well-beings are closely related. It was studied that there is â€Å"a link between care for sick pets and owner health†(Your Pet and Your Health, 2011). When a person provides veterinary care for a pet he/she can improve his/her own health. It can be explained by the fact that when â€Å"patients like these report being more vigilant about their own condition because they think of their pet’s condition frequently†(Your Pet and Your Health, 2011). They become more interested in knowledge of the disease, focus more on treatment provided to their pets and to themselves and do the right things. A pet’s disease, that in most cases may be the same as their owners` disease, makes them think not just about their own health; as a result they become more concentrated and disciplined (Your Pet and Your Health, 2011). From a social point of view, a walk with a dog allows not only enjoying fresh air, but also, for example, it is easier to start a conversation or strike up an acquaintance with someone. Walking with dogs or just pet care can provide moderate exercises and fellowship for those who are already at an advanced age. Lower Stress One of the benefits of owning a dog is that it is a master at helping people relieve stress and feel calm. It is well know that talking to a friend about a problem improve a person`s emotional state. A friend should be a good listener, so a dog is a good party. When a person is upset or sad, a dog can give a stress outlet helping to improve mood. It has been proven that people experience less stress caring out stressful tasks when their dogs are with them (Raina et al. 1999). In addition, people, who are with dogs while working, have lower levels of stress during their workday. It was found that having dogs in the workplace improved morale among all staff members. Dogs are tactile creatures. When people are stressed, it is a good remedy to stroke a pet. A dog may lick you and it is emotional exchange. This is the interaction when people do not have to think about what someone else is thinking. When dog owners come home, they are sure that their favorite pet will wait for them. Feeding a dog and playing with it relieves routine stress and improves mood. Thus, having a furry friend can reduce stress and bring support when times get tough. Improved Mood For people who love animals, it is almost impossible to stay in a bad mood when they look into the eyes of their favorite dog. Researchers support the idea that animals, dogs in particular, provide their owners with mood-enhancing benefits (Allen et al., 1991; Raina et al., 1999). Animals are much easier to cope with as compared to people, as they will definitely love people without judging their words and actions. A research has shown that a person needs to spend with a dog only approximately 30 minutes to feel more relaxed (Raina et al., 1999). In addition, playing with a dog raises the brain’s levels of serotonin and dopamine, which are neurotransmitters associated with tranquility and pleasure. Thus, simply stoking a dog it is possible to reduce blood pressure and bring balance to a person`s physical and emotional state (Charnetsky, Riggers Brennan, 2004). Home Security and Safety Many dog owners believe that their houses will not be robbed because of a vicious dog. Dogs are usually loving and sweet. However, they are extremely protective when a stranger comes to the door. Studies show that vicious and barking dogs put off many potential burglars. Using a dog as a home security system saves a lot of money, as security systems are expensive. Even a small dog may make a person safe at home, as it may be a reliable alarm. Barking is able to deter potential burglars and intruders. A loud barking makes neighbors look out a window and if necessary call police. Moreover, dogs do not need to learn how to use a weapon or learn safety rules. Their main weapon is jaws and claws. Dogs and Children Psychologists believe that children who have dogs perform better at school. Reinhold Bergler, a German psychologist, found that children whose families had dogs at home were of an exemplary behavior at school and were more successful. The professor and his colleagues interviewed 400 mothers about the behavior and learning abilities of their children aged 13-15 years. Half of the respondents had dogs. It was found that children with dogs, especially boys, usually got better grades at school than their peers without four-legged friends. It is believed that regular walks, feeding and bringing up create a sense of responsibility in children (Shubert, 2012). Animals help children become more concentrated; they capture children’s attention and teach lessons about life, devotion, love, and affection. Many children see dogs as their peers and they learn a lot from animals’ body language. In addition, it is easier to teach children become sympathetic, as animals are straightforward in their behavior and when expressing their feelings. Children-animal bonds contribute to mood improvements, higher confidence and greater empathy (Serpell, 2008). live CHAT Child psychologists unanimously recommend getting a dog for a child who suffers from a lack of communication, is reserved, suspicious etc. The appearance of a puppy is an important part of parenting; it can change the nature of a reserved child for the better. He/she will take care of someone, talk to someone he/she trusts and with who he/she can share his/her secrets without a fear that a friend will spill the beans to someone. In addition, experts are confident that having a puppy brings feelings of responsibility, compassion and concern in a child; it teaches him/her to have the routine of the day as the dog usually gets used to walking at certain hours. In addition, the child receives daily charge of joy while communicating with a shaggy friend. Adopting a dog brings fun and friendship into one’s home and improves a person`s health and mental state. There is no doubt that owning a dog requires hard work especially at the beginning. However, if difficulties are put aside it becomes evident that good things prevail. Dogs can reduce stress, improve health, ease loneliness, promote social interaction and exercises as well as provide a person with affection, the sense of well-being and unconditional love. It should be emphasized that having a pet dog is very beneficial to those who are ready to take care of a pet. The benefits of owning a dog are the following: a positive effect on human health; development of communication skills; an important role in family relationships; child fostering; and positive influence on behavior. Dogs are also able to decrease the level of despair and anxiety, increase feelings of well being and devotion, increase mental capabilities and increase social functioning. In other words, owning a dog really makes a difference in people’ daily life. In addition, there are many real stories glorifying dogs, which have saved people’s lives in different situations. It is known that dogs have a special sense of prediction and are able to quickly respond in case of emergency.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Legal Services for Prisoners Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Legal Services for Prisoners - Essay Example hat the US correctional department desired to establish a healthily lifestyle for the prisoners after the correctional period by implementing the policy of the above stated policy i.e. prison education. Thus, the American Central Security Control has designed effective prisoners’ education based programs with the aim of enhancing the job as well as rational skills, which will assist them to become more productive and law abiding citizen (Esperian, 2010). Based on this understanding, it can be claimed that the author of this article has evaluated the trend of prison educating program with the aim of identifying the criminal recidivism of the American citizens. More precisely, it can be asserted that the author has tried to identify the effectiveness of the varied prisoners educating programs. At the same time, the author has also tried to identify the involvement of the Federal Bureau of Prisoners in developing the different correctional education based programs (Esperian, 2010). In order to identify the goals or the desired outcomes of the policy or the program under examination, it can be asserted that the American Central Security Control has tried to develop the job and rational skills of the prisoners with the aim of deriving varied productive outcomes. At the same time, through implementing this correctional program, the US Federal Bureau of Prisoners has endeavored to grow law abiding responsibilities amid the prisoners. Moreover, it can be also claimed that the American Central Security Control has also tried to reduce the tendency of criminal recidivism prevailing amid the American prisoners (Esperian, 2010). In order to highlight the relevant concept or theory to the above identified goals or outcomes, the â€Å"Social Learning Theory†can be apparently noted as relevant in this context. Justifiably, in this regard, it can be claimed that ‘Social Learning Theory’ is a particular aspect, which is highly associated with self-efficacy. Moreover, it
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Should Induced Abortion Be Prohibited To Protect Fetus' Human Rights Assignment
Should Induced Abortion Be Prohibited To Protect Fetus' Human Rights - Assignment Example In a global context we find that in 17 out of 18 nations polled around the world, majorities reject using criminal penalties, such as fines and imprisonment, as a means to prevent abortion. On average across all 18 countries, 52 percent favor leaving the matter of abortion to the individual, while 42 per cent think their government should try to discourage abortions. This shows exactly how heated the debate on induced abortion must be! When discussing induced abortion the most significant question that comes to mind is can we choose to kill unwanted pregnancies? Does the charter of human rights apply to humans after birth or as early as an embryo? Critics of abortion argue that since life begins at conception, abortion is next to murder as a human life is taken. They believe that abortion is in denial of the sanctity of human life. On the other hand supporters of induced abortion justify that almost all abortions occur in the first trimester when the fetus is entirely dependent on th e mother and thus cannot be claimed as a separate human being. Also as the fetus is part of the woman’s body it should be entirely her decision whether to go through childbirth or opt for abortion. People are divided into two groups; Pro-Life, inclusive of those people who advocate the protection of human embryos and fetuses and vote for the outlawing of abortion on the basis that is murder, and Pro-Choice, i.e. people who support the basic right of women to choose whether or not to continue pregnancy till childbirth. The single treaty that actually grants specific rights to foetuses is the American Convention on Human Rights of 1969, signed by 24 Latin American countries, which says that human rights begin at the moment of conception5. The United States of America has not signed this treaty. However this treaty does not enforce signatories to ban abortion, according to the most recent interpretation. Now let’s discuss abortion from a religious point of view. Religion indeed has the inclination to get involved in the majority of debates. Clerics are
Monday, November 18, 2019
Commercial debate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Commercial debate - Essay Example In such a case, the agent himself will be held to be liable to the third party for a breach of an implied representation of authority. Moreover, a breach of such a kind would exempt the agent from claiming any reimbursements of expenses incurred in the line of duty or his own service associated charges. Where an agent purports to act in a way not expressly stated by the principle, his duties are considered in light of any implied authority awarded by the principle. Hence, an agent who engages in a contract for the supply of goods for the principle will be impliedly allowed to sign documents of payment and title for the principle (Rosenbaum v Belson (1900) 2 Ch 267). However, the concept of implied actual authority is applied cautiously by the courts in interpreting agreements and the act done by the agent must truly be incidental to his tasks. Thus, factors such as the course of dealings which are widely accepted in the line of business between the agent and principle (Nickalls v Mer ry (1875) LR 7 HL 802)), his occupation and profession, and the test of usual authority all apply to the determination of the agent’s scope of authority. However, there are cases where the extent of the authority of the agent is overridden by the third party’s reliance on his representation. The presence of this ostensible authority is what is essentially made available to the third party, as in practice the third party would rarely ever get to see the terms of the actual contract between agent and principle. Thus, given that he relies on the apparent authority of the agent (which includes knowledge of the agency, knowledge of the presence of a principle, and reliance on the representation of the principle (see The Tatra (1990)), the agency will operate by virtue of the Equity principle of estoppel, enabling the principle to be bound to the third party even if the agent acts outside the authority awarded to him by contract so long as the agent acted within the authorit y represented by the principle to the third party. This has the ability to negate the consent of the principle as the agent may very well be acting outside the authority granted to him by express or implied actual authority, and exists solely in favor of the third party (Freeman and Lockyer v Buckhurst Park Properties (Mangal) Ltd (1964)) who has altered his position in reliance on the representation of the agent. Equity in this case creates an agency by estoppel binding the principle to the contract with the third party. Thus, it follows that to establish apparent authority all which is required is a representation by the principle of appointing the agent as his representative agent and the third party to rely on that representation to his detriment. No further allusion is required by the principle, so much so that the representation may even be made by silence (Spiro v Lintern (1973)), along with the third party knowing or possessing some knowledge of his capacity as agent of the principle. This is one case where the agency is created without strict adherence to the consideration of the actual extent of the aut
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Denture Adhesives in Prosthodontics- An Overview
Denture Adhesives in Prosthodontics- An Overview Dr Ranjith Kumar P, MDS; Dr Shajahan PA,MDS ; Dr Jyothis Mathew, MDS ABSTRACT Denture adhesives are used by an endless number of denture wearers and also by the dentists who fabricate them. Prescribing denture adhesives has been viewed by many prosthodontists as a means of compensating for deficiencies in clinical and technical procedures. Denture adhesives increase retention and thereby improve chewing ability, reduce wobble, improve comfort and confidence and reduce amount of food particles collecting under the dentures. Moreover, they undoubtedly provide the patients an increased sense of security and satisfaction. However, patients should use denture adhesives only on the advice of their dentists. INTRODUCTION Though their usage dates back to the late 18th century, they were first mentioned in dental literature in the 19th century. Earlier adhesives, formulated by mixing vegetable gums absorbed moisture from the saliva and swelled to a mucilaginous substrate that adhered to the mucosa of the mouth and the denture. Kapur’s 1 study in 1967 on 26 denture wearers, concluded that denture adhesives increased denture retention, thereby improving denture wearers’ incisive ability. Stafford and Russell, 2 using radio telemetry, measured the change in pressure, at the denture base-mucosa interface, with and without adhesives and found that denture adhesives allowed greater total occlusal pressure. The denture adhesives improved denture retention and stability (Tarbet et al 3), and found that patients perceived improved chewing ability, confidence and comfort, reduced wobble and collection of food particles under denture. Chew et al 4 determined the effectiveness of denture adhesive in improving the retention and stability of the complete maxillary denture in vivo using Kinseography. Abdelmelak and Michael 5 suggested that the denture adhesives acts as a cushion under complete denture; reducing the transmission of pressure and friction to the underlying mucosa. COMPOSITION The major constituents of denture adhesives can be broadly divided into three groups.6 Group 1 (Adhesive agents): Tragacanth, acacia, pectin, gelatin, methyl-cellulose, hydroxyl-methyl cellulose, Karaya Gum, sodium carboxyl-methyl cellulose and synthetic polymers (polyethylene oxide, acrylamides, acetic and polyvinyl). Group 2 (Anti-microbial agents) Sodium borate, sodium tetraborate, hexachlorophene and ethanol. Group 3 (Other agents) Plasticizers, wetting agents and flavouring agents such as oil of wintergreen, oil of peppermint, etc. Mechanism of Action Denture adhesives are supplied as paste, powder or cream. As the Adhesive powders absorb water, they swell to many times their original volume and the resulting anions are attracted to cations in the mucous membrane proteins. Sticky saliva thus formed increases the viscosity of the adhesive, thereby increasing the denture retention.7 Newer adhesive materials provide stronger bio-adhesive and cohesive forces. Free carboxyl groups formed by the hydration of adhesive such as methyl cellulose, hydroxyl methyl cellulose, sodium carboxyl-methyl cellulose or poly methyl vinyl-ether maleic anhydride (PVM-MA), etc. form electrovalent bonds that produce stickiness or bio adhesion. The increased viscosity of the adhesive creams result in their lateral spread excluding air and saliva thereby increasing the retention 8. Requirements of an ideal Denture Adhesive 9 Available as gels, creams and powders. Nontoxic, non-irritant, and biocompatible with the oral mucosa. It should have a neutral odour and taste. Easy application and removal from the tissue surface of the denture. Discourage microbial growth. Adhesiveness should be retained for 12-16 hrs. Increase the comfort, retention and stability of the denture Mode of application: Any residual adhesive should be removed from the tissue-bearing surface of the denture . The denture bearing tissues are wiped clean of any food debris. Wet dentures before application of adhesive. Small amounts of adhesive is applied to the tissue-bearing surface of denture. In the maxillary denture -Anterior alveolar ridge, the center of hard palate and posterior palatal seal region . In the mandibular denture apply to the sulcus of denture over the crest of the ridge extending from the anterior region sulcus to the distal extension. Denture should be seated and held in place firmly by hand pressure for 5-10 seconds. Gauze is used to remove excess adhesive . Patient is advised to close into centric occlusion several times to spread the adhesive as a thin even layer. Indications. Recording jaw relations and denture try in should be done using stable and retentive bases. The use of denture adhesive can stabilize the trail denture bases which show inadequate retention and stability due to various reasons. Use of adhesive will improve the accuracy of the denture try-in, and also decrease the patient apprehension about the fit of the final prosthesis. Use of adhesives in patients with compromised denture bearing areas adds to their confidence thereby increasing the ability to adapt to the new prosthesis. Immediate denture get loosened soon due to soft tissue healing and bony resorption requiring relining, rebasing, or a new denture fabrication. A soft liner used to augment the retention; comfort and function during the interim period are aided by the use of a denture adhesive. Reduced clinical findings of ulcers, tissue irritation, compression, and inflammation of the oral mucosa of denture wearers were seen with concomitant use of adhesives. Xerostomia in denture wearers either drug or radiotherapy induced can be alleviated with the use of denture adhesives. Stabilization of dentures in patients with hormonal changes and neuromuscular disorders such as myasthenia gravis, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, etc., can be achieved with denture adhesives. Prosthesis to rehabilitate gross maxillofacial defects requires denture adhesives for retention. Denture adhesives are valuable adjuncts to the retention of radiation carriers or radiation protection prostheses. Usage of minimal amounts of adhesives provides high profile patients like attorneys, executives, speakers, etc. with psychological security in social situations. Contraindications Allergies to denture adhesives or any of its components. Gross inadequacies in retention and function. Excessive bone resorption and soft tissue shrinkage leading to loss of vertical dimension. Adhesives should not be used to retain fractured dentures or dentures with missing flange or with sectional fractures. Patients with inability to maintain proper hygiene of the denture should avoid use of denture adhesive. Conclusions Denture adhesives, when used properly are safe and beneficial to the patient in increasing retention and stability, enhanced comfort, improved function, and in providing psychological satisfaction. They should not be used as an aid to compensate for denture deficiencies even though adhesives enhance denture performance. Patients should not use denture adhesives inadvertently without proper guidance and instructions from the dentists.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Lewis Carrolls Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Essay -- Alice Wonder
Lewis Carroll's Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Philosophy – a subject that had driven people insane for as long as humans know their history. All the time people try to find a meaning, and later controvert it. For example, critics view a novel by Lewis Carroll Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, as a quest for maturity story, Carroll’s view on Victorian Society and even existential meaning on life. All of those interpretations come from philosophical â€Å"drive†of the critics. The truth is that anyone can point a finger at the book and come up with their own â€Å"deep†meaning of the story, but if one looks at facts, well known, and obvious things – it is clear that the story is simply a children tale intended for entertainment and nothing more. Of course there is no sure way to prove that Carroll did not intend any deeper meaning into the story, after all, he was a mathematician and a man of great knowledge of children (19th Century Literature Criticism 105), but lets take a look at the most obvious fact – the time, place and audience of the original story of Alice in Wonderland. Here are the words of Lewis Carroll as he recalls that day: Full many a year has slipped away, since that â€Å"golden afternoon†that gave thee birth, but I can call it up almost as clearly as if it were yesterday – the cloudless blue above, the watery mirror below, the boat drifting idly on its way, the tinkle of the drops that fell from the oars, as they waved so sleepily to and fro, and (the one bright gleam of life in all the slumberous scene) the three eager faces, hungry for news of fairyland, and who would not he say ‘nay’ to: from whose lips ‘Tell us a story, please,’ had all the stern immuta bility of Fate! The â€Å"three eager faces†Carro... ...per and deeper for an idea. Works Cited: Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland & Through The Looking-Glass Signet Classic New York, NY 1960. Cohen, Morton. Lewis Carroll: A Biography Alfred A. Knopf New York, NY 1996. England in Literature: MacBeth Edition: Teacher’s Supplement Chapter 8, â€Å"Alice in Wonderland†144-146. Scott Foresman & Co. 1973. Gattegno, Jean. Lewis Carroll: Fragments of a Looking-Glass â€Å"Alice†and â€Å"A Carroll Chronology†4-27. Thomas Y. Crowell Co. 1973 New York, NY. Hudson, Derek. Lewis Carroll â€Å"Alice†124-149. Folcroft Library Editions 1976. Kelly, Richard. Lewis Carroll â€Å"Alice†78-97. U of Tenn. Twayne Publishers, G. K. Hall & Co. Boston, Mass 1977. Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism, Vol. 2 â€Å"Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)†105-121. Rackin, Donald. Alice’s Journey to the End of Night 132-143 MLA 1966.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Medicines and drugs Essay
A drug or medicine is a chemical that alters incoming sensory sensations, mood or emotions, or physiological state. Painkillers, hallucinogens and alcohols are examples of drugs and medicines that alter incoming sensory sensations. Prozac and alcohol alter mood or emotions Steroids, cigarettes and heart medicines alter physiological state, including consciousness, activity level or coordination. Drugs such as antiseptics, antibiotics and antivirals are infection fighters; hormones and vitamins affect body chemistry or metabolism; stimulants, depressants, analgesics and anesthetics affect the central nervous system and the brain. It is also important to understand that the human body has great natural healing processes; some drugs just increase the rate of natural healing. Also, there could be a placebo effect, it is when a pharmacologically inert substance that make seems to help because the person taking the substance was told that it would work. Placebo effect is examined by giving sugar pills to one group of tests patients, and real drugs to another group (when they are not aware of which they receive). B.1.2: Outline the stages involved in research, development and testing of new pharmaceutical products. This takes a very long time and costs a fortune, and is often controlled by the government. Before drugs are tested on humans, they must be testing on various animals (start with small animals and then go to bigger ones). The range of effective doses, the doses in which side-effects arise and the lethal doses have to be determined. There are 3 phases then; clinical trial; clinical evaluation (more in depth analysis); human studies with more evaluation, Very few drugs make it to the market, and the development would have cost a lot. Sometimes, things can still go wrong, like Thalidomide. It was given to pregnant women to treat morning sickness, but it cause deformities in babies! Now it is still used, but to treat skin sores. B.1.3. Describe the different methods of administering drugs * Oral: Very convenient. However, it might not be reliable as the rate of absorption depends on drug concentration, stomach content and pH value. As most is absorbed in the small intestines, so the drug must survive the gastric acid. Therefore it often lays in time release capsules. * Rectal: Good when drug cannot be taken orally due to vomiting or because the drug is pH sensitive. * Inhalation: Rapid, as there are loads of blood vessels in the lungs, and therefore a drug would have a reliable effect. Good for general anaesthesia, and asthma medicine. * Parental o Just below the skin; slower than for intravenous. Used often for dental injections o Into muscles; for large doses, or when immediate response is not needed (vaccines etc). o Intravenous; almost instantaneous, but cannot be undone when injected! Fatty lipids may bind some kinds of drugs, so the drugs won’t leave the body so fast The half life of a drug is the time for half the dose in the body to be eliminated. B.1.4. Discuss the terms lethal dosage (LD50), tolerance and side effects. LD50 is the lethal dose for 50% of the population; and it varies a lot from drug to drug. When one is tolerant, then one has to take a larger dose in order to feel the wanted effects. Some people after often use of a drug becomes dependant on it; physically (they must have it to be able to function physically) or psychologically (they must have it to feel right). Tolerance doesn’t necessarily mean that one gets used to the harmful effects. Sometimes it is hard to know the difference between main effect and side effect. A drug has many effects, and some patients benefit from a few of those effects; then those are the main effects, and all the other are side effects. Someone else, with another disease may benefit from other effects, and then those become the main effects. There are always harmful effects too. The risk : benefit ratio should also be considered. B.2.1. State and explain how excess acidity in the stomach can be reduced by the use of different bases. Bases, most often metal oxides, hydroxides, carbonates or hydrogen carbonates are used as antacids. These react with acid in the stomach to adjust the pH value. The purpose of gastric acid is to kill off bacteria, and help in digestion. However, over-eating or stress stimulates more production of acid, causing discomfort. The active ingredients tend to be; this react only with HCl: Magnesium Oxide: Magnesium Hydroxide: Aluminium Hydroxide: Calcium Carbonate: Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate: Magnesium Trisilicate: Some of the products; Carbon dioxide is a gas. So a foaming agent has to be added to prohibit excessive belching. Also alginates are used, to prevent acid reflux. If too much antacid is used, the stomach becomes too basic, and that hurts too; then more antacid might be wrongly taken. This leads to alkalosis. B.3.2. Describe the use of derivatives of salicylic acid as mild analgesics and compare the advantages and disadvantages of using aspirin and paracetamol (acetaminophen) Salicylic acid is used as an anti-pyretic (fever reducer) and mild analgesic (painkiller), but it is a strong acid and hurts the stomach and mouth; so variations of salicylic acid was used. One is Acetyl Salicylic Acid (ASA) or Aspirin, which has the benefits of salicylic acid and does not irritate so much due to the acetyl group. When ASA reacts with water, it becomes salicylic acid, and the by-product of ethanoic acid. GOOD: It is good for killing minor pain, reducing fever, acting as an anti-inflammatory agent and prevents abnormal blood clot. BAD: Upsets stomach and bleeding; allergy; accidental poisoning in infants and Reye’s syndrome. Acetaminophen is also an anti-pyretic and analgesic. However it does not upset the stomach and is safe. However, overdose can still occur and lead to liver and brain damage. And it is not anti-inflammatory. Ibuprofen is like aspirin and cause fewer stomach problems. It is anti-inflammatory and is very safe. B.3.3. Compare the structures of morphine, codeine and the semi-synthetic opiate heroin. These are strong analgesics and are often called opiates, narcotics or narcotic analgesics. The major pain relieving substance originates from the opium poppy plant is sleep inducing and pain relieving. All three share the same skeleton. Remember the group C2H3O2 is called an acetyl group. B.3.4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using morphine and its derivatives as strong analgesics. These affects: The Central Nervous System, the Eye and the Gastrointestinal tract (the digestive system) They are used as: Strong analgesics (severe pain from injury and chronic diseases); treatment of diarrhoea, relieve coughing. However they are very addictive and are rather replaced with something else. They also produce mood changes, drowsiness and mental clouding. Tolerance can arise by adaptation of the liver and neurons in the brain. Some people can’t function without the drug, feeling restlessness, sweating, fever, chills, vomiting, aches etc due to abstinence of the drug. There is often severe psychological dependence too (one might feel extremely depressed).’à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Short term effects: Sedation, stupor, pain relief, euphoria, reduced tension, worry, couching reflex. One might die of overdose. Long term effects: Loss of appetite, sterility, withdrawal illness, crime, diversion of energy. B.4.1. Describe the effects of depressants Tranquilizers, sedatives and hypnotics, which calm and relax; they slow down heart rate and breathing. Tranquilizers include alcohol, Valium and Librium and are weaker than the others. These relieve anxiety and tension. Sedatives: Barbituates that soothe distress without producing much sleep in small doses. Hypnotics: Like chloral hydrate. These induce sleep. Too much can lead to coma or teach. B.4.2. Discuss the social and physiological effects of the use and abuse of ethanol. Social effects: Major costs from alcohol are from sickness and death, as in hospital treatments and lost efficiency. Property crimes and crimes against people; drinking while driving. Physiological effects: Harmful to relationships, and may physically or emotionally harm others. One may lose control and develop dependence and tolerance. It increases blood pressure when drinking and nausea, sweating and anxiety as withdrawal of use. Short-term effects: CNS depressant reduces tension. It triggers Euphoria, Talkativeness, Dilation of blood vessels, Violent behaviours, Inertia, Coma, Death. Long term effects: Cirrhosis, liver cancer, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes, gastritis, low birth mass etc. Alcohol can be used for antiseptics such as mouthwashes. B.4.3. Describe and explain the techniques used for the detection of ethanol in the breath of in the blood or urine. Ethanol passes from the stomach into the blood and therefore it passes into the lungs and ethanol vapour is formed. The breathalyser test might involve a redox equation with potassium dichromate: as oxidizing agent. Color change: Red-Orange to Green The gas liquid chromatography works as follows: Small samples of gases and volatile liquids such ethanol are separated. These are pushed through a column using an unimportant gas, such as Nitrogen gas and different gases take different time to come to the detector, where concentration of gases are measured. Intoxilyzer, Infra-red spectroscopy: Infra-red energy make molecules vibrate. Different types of bonds absorb and vibrate at different infer-red frequencies. By measuring how much energy is not absorbed by the molecules, one can find the number of certain bonds in the molecules. B.4.4. Describe the synergistic effects of ethanol with other drugs. Alcohol is easily absorbed in the stomach, so drugs that can be dissolved in alcohol will be absorbed much quicker, and the dosage will seem higher as in normal conditions the liver removes a part of the drug. So performance of the drug is enhanced and may lead to devastating effects such as death, especially if alcohol is combined with barbituates. Alcohol with aspirin increases the risk of stomach bleeding. B.4.5 . List other commonly used depressants and describe their structures. Valium (diazepam) is a tranquilizer, Mogadon (Nitrazepam) is a hypnotic drug (used to control seizures and infantile spasms), Prozac (hydrochloride) is an anti-depressant drug used to treat mental depression. Diazepam and Nitrazepam have similar carbon skeletons meanwhile Prozac is different. B.5.1. List the physiological effects of stimulants. Stimulants are chemicals that stimulate the brain and the central nervous system. It is the opposite of a depressant. These increase alertness. Examples are amphetamine, nicotine and caffeine. B.5.2. Compare amphetamines and adrenaline They both derive from the phenylethylamine structure, and therefore look similar. Furthermore, amphetamines mimic the effects of adrenaline (they are sympathomimetic drugs), as they constrict arteries and thus increases sweat production. They increase heart rate, blood pressure, respiration and insomnia. Medical uses: Treat mild depression, narcolepsy and asthma. They use up the body’s reserve energy and can lead to a collapse. B.5.3 Discuss the short- and long-term effects of nicotine consumption. Tobacco is a source of nicotine which is a mild stimulant with a short lived effect. The response is followed by depression and thereby makes one pushed to use it more often. Short-term: Increase in heart-rate and blood pressure. It constricts blood vessels and therefore strains the heart. Nicotine also reduces urine output. Long term effects of nicotine: It stresses hard and may lead to heart diseases and blood clot; May lead to increase of fatty acids in the blood. Smoking leads to more carbon monoxide in the blood making the blood less able to carry blood. It also increases the gastric acid production and may lead to ulcer. Smoking causes: Cancer in lungs and mouth; heart and blood vessel disease; breathing difficulties and chronic bronchitis; air pollution; fires; bad teeth; insomnia. B.5.4. Describe the effects of caffeine and compare its structure with that of nicotine. Caffeine stimulates the respiratory system (more energy is available from respiration), so heart and brain gets more energy. So one becomes more alert, motivated and well-being. In small amounts in is rather harmless, but too much causes insomnia. One gets more urine as well. Caffeine leads to some tolerance but no physical addiction. It can be given to babies to help their breathing. It also constricts blood vessels and therefore helps against migraines. Both caffeine and nicotine contain a tertiary amine group. Caffeine has more of those though. B.6.1. Describe the historical development of penicillins. In 1928, Fleming accidentally saw that some types of fungi killed off a certain bacterium and started to try to isolate the fungi, but it was too hard to purify it. In 1940, Floray and Chain continued with penicillin testing and development, and in 1943 it was available clinically. The first penicillin was Penicillin G. However it was deactivated by stomach acid so it had to be injected. Acid resistance penicillins such as penicillin V was developed by modifying the side chains of the basic penicillin structure. Some bacteria could deactivate penicillin G by synthesising an enzyme, therefore one had to make other synthetic penicillins. 6-APA penicillin is inert, but an extra amino group H2N would activate it. B.6.2. Compare broad spectrum and narrow spectrum antibiotics A broad spectrum antibiotics is effective against a wide variety of bacteria. Examples are tetracyclines. Narrow ones are effective only against certain types of bacteria; most penicillins are narrow spectrum antibiotics. One often has to determine the bacterium before getting antibiotics, because a broad-spectrum one can kill beneficial bacteria and give discomfort. B.6.3. Explain how penicillins work and discuss the effects of modifying the side chain. The cell walls of some bacteria are composed of polysaccharides, and these layers are supported by cross-links. However, penicillins interfere with the formation of these links and therefore weaken the structure. The bacteria can easily burst. Animals cells don’t have these cell walls and are therefore not affected. It is important to modify the side chain to work against bacteria have evolved and are able to break down certain types of penicillin. Side chains are also added to make the penicillin work (as for the 6-APA) and to survive the gastric acid (Penicillin G) B.6.4. Discuss and explain the effect over prescription of penicillins has, and the use of penicillins in animal feedstock Repeated use may lead to allergic reactions. They can also wipe out harmless and beneficial bacteria in the food canal, and harmful bacteria might eventually replace these. Bacteria can become resistant against certain antibiotics and then pass on their immunity. In feedstock: They are used to kill dangerous pathogens which may otherwise endanger humans and animals. They are also used to increase productivity. However, this increases the chances that bacteria might become resistant. B.7.1. State how viruses differ from bacteria Bacteria are relatively large single cell microorganism with DNA strands. Viruses are noncellular and are much smaller and are not living. They can only reproduce within a host cell. B.7.2. Describe the different ways in which antiviral drugs work * Block the transfer of genetic information * Control by inoculation, vaccines. * Block the enzyme activity in a host cell, so that the virus can’t use it to replicate. B.7.3. Discuss the difficulties associated with solving the AIDS problem HIV molecules bind to proteins on T-type of white blood cells and hinder them from fighting infections by inactivating them. HIV virus is good at mutating and together with their similarities with human cells, it is very heard to treat with antiviral drugs and vaccines. B.8.1. Describe the importance of geometrical isomerism in drug action. Stereoisomers are isomers with the same molecular formula and the same structural formula, but different arrangement of atoms in space. Geoemetric isomers have different physical properties such as polarity, boiling point, and solubility etc. They may also undergo different t chemical reactions although their functional groups are identical. For example cisplatin is en effective anti-cancer drug (as it may enter the nucleus of a cancerous cell), but the trans-isomers is inactive in such purposes. B.8.2. Discuss the importance of chirality in drug action. Optical isomers differ from geometric isomers in two ways: * Optical isomers are chiral (asymmetric) * Optical isomers are non-superimposable mirror images of each other One optical isomer rotates the plane polarized light one direction, meanwhile its other isomer rotates it the other way. An equi-molar mixture of two enantiomers means a 50-50 ration and will not totate the plane of polarised light at all; this is a racemic mixture. Penicillin V is active, but its enantiomer is inactive. One enantiomer of Thalidomide could be used to treat morning sickness in pregnant women and was marketed as a racemix mixture, but its other enantiomer gave foetal deformities. B.8.3. Describe the use of chiral auxiliaries to form the desired enantiomer. It is very heard to separate racemic mixtures into separate enantiomers, as they have identical chemical properties in relation to non-chiral reagents. Instead, scientists use stereospecific synthesis to produce only one kind of enantiomer. Chiral auxiliaries are used to convert non-chiral molecules into a desired enantiomer by attching itself chemically to the non-chiral molecule so that only one type of enantiomer can be formed. After the procedure the auxiliary can be recycled. This is used when synthesising Taxol which isa drug effective against breast cancer. B.8.4. Explain the use of combinatorial chemistry to synthesise new drugs. This is when one creates lots of molecules and test them quickly for biological properties; one starts with a set of basic chemicals which are then combined in all possible combinations, and this allows a fast production of many different molecules, increasing the chance of finding better drugs. A library is a collection of compounds that are screened to determine their usefulness as a drug, using parallel synthesis (identical processes with many different molecules at the same time). B.9.1. Compare local and general anaesthetics in terms of their modes of action Local anaesthetics block the pain in specific areas when they are injected under the skin or used as a crà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½me. Examples are cocaine, procaine, benzococaine, lidocaine etc. These block local nerve transmissions and decrease blood supply to that area. Procaine and lidocaine do not affect the brain, meanwhile cocaine does. General anaesthetics affect the brain and produce unconsciousness. But it is easy to reverse the unconsciousness. Examples are nitrous oxide, diethyl ether, chloroform, cyclopropane and halothane. B.9.2. Compare the structures and effects of cocaine, procaine and lidocaine. All three have the benzene ring and the tertiary amine. Cocaine also stimulates the central nervous system. It constricts blood vessels which leads to high blood pressure, and can’t be safely used. Although it doesn’t produce withdrawal symptoms and tolerance, it produces a strong psychological addiction. An overdose suppresses heart and respiration. Cocaine has a very short half life as it is metabolized by the liver fast, and is poorly absorbed when taken orally. Procaine gives prolonged relief from pain which is good for surgery and dental procedures. It is non-toxic and non-irritant. Lidocaine is used topically to produce numbness. It is more potent that procaine, but may cause swelling and itching. B.9.3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of nitrous oxide, ethoxyethane, trichloromethane, cyclopropane and halothane. Nitrous oxide is not very potent, and makes one feel good Trichloromethane is nonflammabe, but leads to liver damages. Narrow safety margin Ethoxyethane alleviates the pain in surgery well, but it is very flammable and nonstable. Cyclopropane is a very potent anaesthetics, however it forms explosive mixtures with air and is very flammable. It also causes vomiting and nausea. Halothane is widely used as it is not flammable and one may recover fast from it. It doesn’t irritate the respiratory tract. However, it takes time to become unconscious. It is potentially harmful to the ozone layer as it produces chlorine and bromine free radicals. B.9.4. Calculate the partial pressures of component gases in an anaesthetic mixture The partial pressure ratios of the total pressure equal the molar ratios of different gas molecules. It is important to have enough oxygen in the anaesthetic mixture so that the patient can live. At least 20% oxygen is needed B.10.1 Describe the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), mescaline, psilocybin and tetrahydrocannabinol. Psychadelic drugs like these alter the mind and produces a change in thought, perception or mood and induce vivid fantasies. Colors seem more brilliant for the user. There are the effects of the mentioned mind altering drugs: LSD: This is a powerful hallucinogen that strongly magnifies perception and may destroy the sense of judgment. No physical addiction, and not very strong psychological dependence. Mescaline: Color hallucinations which last 12 hours. Psilocybin: Similar to LSD, especially at high doses, but at low doses produces relaxation. Shortlasting; 4 hours THC: Milder drug similar to alcohol. At larger doses, changes in perception occurs – sees bright colors and gets sharper hearing. May get extreme anxiety, depression, uneasiness, panic attacks etc. There is no tolerance, but could lead to psychological dependence. B.10.2 Discuss the structural similarities and differences between LSD, mescaline and psilocybin. LSD and psilocybin both have the Indole ring (Heterocyclic amine compound where the nitrogen atom is part of a ring). However, mescaline includes the benzene ring but not the indole ring; it does have a primary amine. Serotonin also has the indole ring. B.10.3 Discuss the arguments for and against the legalization of cannabis. Cannabis offers relief from symptoms from AIDS, cancer and glaucoma. Marijuana may increase the appetite, and relieves nausea. Cannabis helps terminally ill patients to relieve tension and anxiety. Marijuana relieves pressure inside the eyeball for glaucoma patients. However there are many bad sides to it too. Smoking marijuana may lead to lung problems and may suppress the immune system. It might lead to decreased fertility for men and cause brain damage and birth defects. Users may also start using harder drugs too. Users of prohibited drugs need to obtain it from criminal sources and may therefore be forced into crime to support their habit. It damages the society a lot.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Affection and sexuality Essay Example
Affection and sexuality Essay Example Affection and sexuality Essay Affection and sexuality Essay Essay Topic: The Second Sex Abused and neglected children have a more complex development than a normal child. There are two types of parent-child relationship that affects the development of abused and neglected children: conflict and neglect, and physical or sexual abuse. For the first type, the children develop impaired bonding, emotional deprivation and role reversal. For the second type, children develop impaired decision-making skills and imbalanced differentiation between affection and sexuality. Throughout the developmental stages from pregnancy and birth to the child’s growing up years, the parental and societal culture that the child needs to live up with brings conflicting values and meanings the child misinterprets and uses wrongly. During pregnancy and birth, the development is stunted because of the neglect of parents on the basic developmental needs of their child such as being cared for. The primary problem with an abusive parent is the desire for control. And because bringing a child into the world may cause disillusionment since they focus on how the child will love them not the other way around, the strain starts in the relationship. Aside from the mother’s changes in her perceptions and worldviews brought about by childbirth, the father also experiences the same changes. This can affect the relationship between the parents, which can affect that of the child’s relationship with his parents. Without a support system, parents fail to realize the much needed models for emulation of parenthood. Because these parents are so caught up with their expectations and needs, they tend to ignore or fail to realize the needs of their children, resulting to the child’s stunted development. The child’s ability to adapt and cope with his environment is based on how his environment treats him. Children learn by emulating what they see and if their environment is neglectful, then they will fail to develop the necessary qualities that will help them develop into better beings in the future. Abuse and neglect impede in necessary development of the child.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Making Salt essays
Making Salt essays The purpose of the lab was to determine how many grams of sodium chloride (salt) are produced when sodium carbonate is reacted with hydrochloric acid. This lab introduced many new tools to us. A lot of them we never used before and we had to be taught to use them in the proper manner. The tools used in this lab are: Ø Sodium Carbonate (about  ½ teaspoon) Ø Water, Paper Towels, Paper and pencil to record results There were 3 new items introduced during the process of this lab: Theoretical Yield is a calculated value for the amount of the substance that should be made after the reaction. We calculate this by using a conversation with mole ratios and molecular mass. Actual Yield is the amount of substance that is made after a reaction. You measure this amount after the entire reaction/experiment is complete. Percent Yield is the actual yield divided by the theoretical yield. Then, as in finding any percent, it is multiplied by 100. [(AY TY) * 100]. This is to determine how accurately the lab was performed. Begin by attaching the Bunsen burner to the gas outlet. Turn the gas on by twisting the lever until it is parallel with the outlet. Light the burner by flicking the Bunsen burner lighter right above the burner, repeat flicking until the flame is lit. With the piece on the bottom of the burner, you can turn it to adjust the flame. Adjust the flame to the correct height, which is just touching the bottom of the burners beaker holder on the top. Now take the evaporating dish and wash it with soap and water in the sink. Dry it off with some paper towels. Place the wire gauze screen on the top of the lit Bunsen burner. Place the washed evaporating dish on the top of the wire ga ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Are Cell Phones Hazardous to Human Health Essay
Are Cell Phones Hazardous to Human Health - Essay Example In today’s world mobile phones has become a necessity. It is an inevitable truth that the mobile phone industry has taken everyone by a storm. The cell phones technology has been around for a long period of time, but it has only been the last fifteen years or so that it has been completely integrated into our lives to change the way we communicate with each other forever. The advancement of cell phones changed the entire social rules of human interactions. It has become so much a part of our lives that it is now impossible to live without a cell phone. It has indeed revolutionized the way we communicate with each other as talking to loved ones is now just a touch of our finger tips. Cell phone users increase rapidly and as of 2010, there were more than 303 million subscribers to cell phone service in the United States according to Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association. It is beyond doubt that cell phones make our life more convenient, but behind these impressive gadgets we have a negative health impact which could be harmful for human beings. The issue of cell phones has been a long debated one and the phone radiation is still being questioned today. The effect of cell phone radiations and other related hazardous disease is the subject of hot topic debates these days due to the enormous increase in cell phone usage all over the world. Even though cell phones are very useful in today’s global world, several studies have suggested that continued usage of cell phones exposed human to electromagnetic fields which are associated with an elevated risks of cancer and other diseases. The issue of the harmfulness of cell phones is still questioned and many people also claimed that cell phones are not harmful to humans. People, who are of the view that cell phones are not dangerous to human beings, emphasized the fact that the negative impact of cell phones is just a myth created by the media. Many researchers have also claimed that cell phon es are not linked to cancer and that it is not dangerous to human health. â€Å"Using cell phones doesn't increase children's cancer risk, according to a new study, the latest in a series of papers that find no link between the phones and brain tumors†(Szabo, 2011). According to the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, children who used cell phones were not more vulnerable to develop brain tumor as compared to children who do not used cell phones. "Scientific evidence has overwhelmingly indicated that wireless devices do not pose a public health risk for adults or children," (Szabo, 2011). Many scientist are of the view that if cell phones are responsible for brain tumors, researchers would find the tumors on the side of the head where children hold their cell phones. But, this is not the case and moreover, scientist also noted that there has been no increase in brain tumors since cell phones were introduced to the mass population in the 1990. However, despite these cla ims, many researchers and scientists are still not convinced that there are no direct link to cell phones and other diseases. Despite the claim that cell phones are not dangerous to human beings, several researchers and scientist are of the view that cell phone are indeed dangerous for human beings. According to a research done by Lionel Bercovitch, cell phones are dangerous to human beings as the surface contains some metals such as nickel which can cause skin dermatitis on the users face. Nickel is considered to be the most common contact allergen. It is used by most of the cell phones manufacturer for accessorizing the phone. According to a research, nickel allergy affects up to 17 percent of women and 3 percent of men. This may be because of the fact that women talked more on cell phones and are likely to purchased more accessorized phones.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
How has education and sports contributed to who you are today and how Essay
How has education and sports contributed to who you are today and how it will effect who you will become - Essay Example However, my academic life had not been affected by my participation in sports activities and competitions, because I always wanted to do well in both my studies and sports. The fact that I focused equally on sports and education helped me develop a high level of personal discipline from early years onwards. Since my parents allowed me to play when I was a small child, sports had in fact become a part of my daily life. I did learn to accommodate regular exercises and practice every day no matter how busy my schedule was. My school years did in fact provide me a lot of opportunities to be trained under excellent instructors. The special training programmes were very useful for me, and they were scheduled either early in the morning or in the evening, before or after class hours. Since I had been used to rigorous training programs since my early childhood, it was never a problem for me to dedicate quality time for academics and attend all the classes. In fact, the sport activities did help me develop a healthy mind in a healthy body, which did prepare me to utilize the maximum of time I had for my studies. I realized at school education was an integral part of my growth and development as an individual. I liked everything I was taught in the classrooms. I had been a diligent student who honors classes throughout high school and maintained a 2.5 average. I could connect well with all my teachers and be in jovial terms with my classmates. I learnt about the value of good friendship through my school years. Many of my friends did go out of their way to help me. They shared their class notes with me and spent time to explain the main points discussed in classes that I missed during sport competitions. I had been truly convinced of the relevance of all the subjects I had to study. I believe I have a very balanced personality thanks to my equal interest in
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Portfolio Credit Risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Portfolio Credit Risk - Essay Example More precisely, I analyse the impact of uncertainty about input parameters on the precision of measures of portfolio risk. I confine the analysis to losses from default, i.e., exclude the risk of credit quality changes, and model default correlations by means of correlated latent variables. The framework builds on CreditMetrics (JP Morgan, 1997), and closely resembles the one used by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (2001) to adjust capital requirements for concentration risks. The necessary inputs for assessing default risk are default rates, recovery rates, and default correlations. They are usually derived from historical data, which means that their precision can be inferred using standard statistical methodology. This is the first step of the analysis in this paper. In the second, I determine the accuracy of value at risk (VaR) measures in the presence of noisy input parameters. This is done separately for portfolios which differ in their average credit quality and in diversification across obligors. The aim of such an analysis is threefold. First, the results are useful for defining the role credit risk models should play in credit portfolio management and bank regulation. Second, modelling parameter uncertainty allows to compute risk measures which take estimation error into account. Since the loss distribution is a non-linear function of the input parameters, its estimate can be biased even if the parameter estimates are not. To correct such biases, I employ a Bayesian approach and analyse the predictive distribution, which averages the loss distributions pertaining to different but possibly true parameter values. 1 Finally, the analysis helps to identify inputs with a large marginal benefit of increasing input quality. The analysis shows that estimation error in input parameters leads to considerable noise in estimated portfolio risk. The confidence bounds for risk measures are so wide that losses which are judged to occur with a probability of 0.3% may actually occur with a probability of 1%. Several observations, however, suggest that available credit risk models can be useful for risk management purposes even though their application is plagued with data problems. The magnitude of estimation error is comparable to a setting in which VaR estimates can be based on a long time series of portfolio losses, and it differs little between perfectly diversified portfolios and small portfolios with 50 obligors. In addition, the bias in conventional VaR figures which results from estimation error is modest. The relative importance of the three input factors for the quality of VaR estimates depends on the portfolio structure and the extremeness of the events under analysis. The impact of correlation uncertainty, for instance, is larger for more extreme events and for riskier portfolios. Related papers are Jorion (1996) and Butler and Schachter (1998)
Monday, October 28, 2019
Socialist Feminism Essay Example for Free
Socialist Feminism Essay According to (Alcoff,1995 ) Cultural feminism is the ideology that a woman needs to appropriate the value of her female nature in an attempt to authenticate her female attributes that were previously determined and undervalued by masculinity itself. In cultural feminism, a woman’s enemy lies not just in an economic institution, backward values or even a social system but the root of it all lies in masculinity itself and even in male biology. It is a celebration womanhood, of the separation of a woman’s existence from mans and taking pride in the very essence of female sexuality right down to one’s anatomy. The power of popular culture and the â€Å"Vagina monologues†All aspects of feminist culture seems to occur in waves over periods of time however overlapping and questionable in terms of generations they may be they are most evident in western parts of the world, such as the suffragists of the 1920’s and the American women who fought for sexually reproductive rights in the 1960’s. A wave of popular culture swept across America in the early 1990†s that was indeed a reflection of how cultural feminism was present in their society known as â€Å"the vagina monologues†. In her book Baumgardner (2011:102) writes about a how the series of fictional stories inspired by the real life experiences of women of different races, ages and ethnicity on their sex life’s, relationships and personal struggles inspired plays in different universities across the nation gave birth to the V-day an international movement that stands to end violence against all women and girls. This wave of popular culture encouraged not just the lesbian woman but the heterosexual female to be proud of every bit of her womanhood and sexuality. In (Alcoff, 1995:435) suggest â€Å"woman should not dismiss their biological importance simply because patriarchy has used it to overpower us, our biological make up and the paradox of a woman’s body holds the key to reconnecting with ourselves, our inner genius and beguiling physicality. †Cultural feminist movements today and the fight against FGM A primary concern of cultural feminism today can be seen in the stance against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Which according to (WHO, 2010) involves the piercing, cutting and burning off of the clitoris or labia and the stitching of the vagina. It is the horrific violation of women’s rights and is predominantly practiced as a result of cultural beliefs in Africa. (UNICEF,2011)estimates the number of women being subjected to FGM in Africa today ranges between 100 to 130 million, FGM is most prevalent in Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Somalia which has approximately 98% of girls being mutilated. This is an important example of why feminist movements are still needed because third world feminist struggles and first world struggles differ. Feminist movements have developed non governmental organisations like (The Feminist Majority Foundation, 2010) Amnesty International group that seeks to replace cultural practices like FGM with symbolic ceremonies that will still promote traditional beliefs without causing any physical harm. Such Non-Governmental organisations truly represent how feminism has evolved and has become more concerned with helping vulnerable groups without the help of government aid or funding to address struggles and inequalities by providing health care without asking for anything in return and advocating for policy development and policy change that affects women. Radical feminism It can be said that radical feminism is at the root of all types of feminism. Bates (2005:66) states that radical feminism has been the incubator from which many feminist ideas rose, from the period of 1967-1975 radical feminism was the leading edge of most feminist theory, however it is no longer fit to solely describe â€Å"feminism†. It is often misrepresented as women who detest men when in actual fact it is about women who detest patriarchy. Nachescu (2009:30)mentions how radical feminists challenged the knowledge of politics under their slogan â€Å"the personal is political†this redefined political areas that affected human life such as abortion and contraceptive laws all of which were previously part of ones personal life. Sexuality and the â€Å"closet feminist†Generally feminism is torn between two opinions on the issue of sexuality; some believe sex is the root cause of female oppression whilst others believe it is what truly liberates a woman. Prostitution challenges female liberation from male objectivity especially in states where sex work has been legalised creating miscommunication between radical feminists and prostitutes. According to (Morris 2007:6) â€Å"they only believe in finding a way for prostitutes to escape but what is wrong with having sex for a living, who am I to you if I enjoy how I earn a living, and are such people without dignity? †. Although this may be a sensitive topic, the legalisation of prostitution in some countries has served to protect sex workers. Today even though one might support various issues of feminist concern, no one wants to bear the title of the ball busting ice queen. The modern woman fears being branded as a narrow minded cliche of a radical feminist who would much rather burn a bra than buy one. Women prefer to be recognised as non-neutralists and are more content to make a sizable anonymous donation than stand and protest for the cause itself. This has sparked a trend of â€Å"closet feminists†who are deluded by the so called illusion of â€Å"having it all†. Genz, 2009:101)The modern woman can be described as an individual figure that tips her hat to past feminist accomplishments but now thinks of them as superfluous and extreme. Feminism and why the cause will never die The struggle has changed but the cause is still very much the same, society may have guaranteed equality for women on paper but in actual reality there are still hidden mechanisms still obstructing progress. Over time feminist movements have addressed the most obvious struggles and inequalities like education, equal pay and reproductive rights which previously were hard to detect at individual level. However(New York Times, 2011:22)reported â€Å"the right to vote was only granted to women by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia in 2011 but women will only be allowed to vote or run for municipal positions in 2015 and only with the consent of a male family member. †Even in todays so called â€Å"enlightened era†the lists of human rights denied to women in some parts of the world are appalling. Feminist movements are still present addressing the relationship between oppression and power, which is evident in today’s society as sexual harassment and rape and attacks on the gay and lesbian communities. Roy (2011:12) journalist at the New York Times reported the rape of a 15 year old girl in New Delhi, India the story made headlines because her attacker was granted a reduced sentence on the account that he was his family’s primary breadwinner. These injustices have given birth to different kinds of global movements such as the â€Å"slut walk†in which women protest on the right to wear what they choose without fear of male attack or rape. (Reader: 2012) reports on women and men taking their protest to the streets after a Toronto police officer accused a rape victim of â€Å"asking for it†flashes of cleavage and legs on show their slogan reads â€Å"consent is sexy†. Too often very light is shed on such organised protests but this is a specific example of how the feminist movement is not over it is merely manifesting itself in different ways.
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